AdventureDomina & Oracus I: The Stars of the Pilgrim
Black Market rankSindikat lieutenant
Commonwealth Fleet rankFleet captain
Commonwealth militia rankColonel
Domina relationshipCanon
FateLeft Human Space on a journey to the Galactic Core
GenomeHuman male
Money (credits)171723
Money (rin)19690
Ship classEI500-class freighter
Time played5 hours and 50 minutes
achievements & regrets
Acquired Lamplighter archcannon
Became Defender of the Huari
Became Legendary Hero of the Arena
Cleared the Charon system for Korolov Shipping
Defended Point Juno
Destroyed the CSC Antarctica
Found and delivered Professor Dall's alien sphere
Liberated Raisu station
Rescued Mr. Katami from the Black Market
Rescued Project Lamplighter scientists
Enemy ships destroyed1570
Enemy stations destroyed144
Friendly ships destroyed21
Profit on arms816494
Profit on goods and materials142583
Profit on illegal items134105
Profit on luxury goods80609
Profit on medical supplies98538
Honored permadeath
Never destroyed friendly stations
enemy ships destroyed
Iocrym command ship1
Phobos-class dreadnought1
Iocrym sentinel31
Commonwealth Star Carrier1
Gaian processor3
Dragon Slaver1
Chasm-class heavy gunship6
Cometfall-class missileship6
Ventari destroyer6
The Slicer1
Tundra-class heavy gunship13
Ranx dreadnought1
Centurion/X-class heavy gunship1
Tripoli-class destroyer1
Polar-class freighter1
Earth Slaver21
Kobol gunship9
Luminous drone9
Xenophobe defender3
Zoanthrope behemoth2
Wolfen-class gunship1
Manticore-class heavy gunship3
Sandstorm-class gunship236
Ares sentry38
Dwarg master5
EI500-class freighter2
Huygens Explorer1
Urak destroyer2
Centurion-class heavy gunship6
pirate ship Kronosaurus1
Atonement-class heavy gunship7
Charon frigate4
heavy IAV1
Steel slaver25
Ranx gunship35
Barbary-class gunship4
Sung transport1
Xenophobe fighter7
Drake-class missileship5
Repentant-class gunship17
Sapphire-class yacht3
Heliotrope destroyer2
Meth enforcer6
Marauder raid platform1
200A defender auton1
Viking II-class gunship76
Zoanthrope raider91
Wind slaver238
Heliotrope gunship14
Revelations-class missileship13
Plague-class gunship22
Hammerhead II-class gunship25
Arco Vaughn1
Ronin/B-class gunship4
Urak sentinel35
Corsair II-class gunship56
EI100-class freighter8
Viking-class gunship81
Centauri heavy raider2
Borer II-class gunship48
Ronin/A-class gunship7
Earthzone-class armed shuttle5
Himal interceptor12
Zulu-class gunship4
Hornet-class battlepod64
Hammerhead-class gunship13
light IAV3
Borer-class gunship12
Corsair-class gunship140
Tenhove-class sentinel9
Centauri raider55
enemy stations destroyed
Ares commune7
Kobol Warlords camp2
Ares outpost5
Penitent sanctum4
Ranx outpost1
Ventari colony3
Dwarg fortress1
outlaw pteracnium mine9
Sung citadel2
Sung fortress8
Heliotrope colony3
Marauder stronghold1
outlaw duranium mine6
Penitent shrine7
Death Drug Cartel outpost2
Marauder outpost1
outlaw ceralloy mine2
Sapiens compound5
Sung slave camp4
Urak fortress1
Anarchist settlement2
Charon Pirates stronghold8
Fortress of the Charon Pirates1
Heliotrope outpost1
Sapiens camp4
Urak mine2
Centauri Warlords stronghold2
Charon Pirates outpost3
Himal refuge5
outlaw camp1
outlaw titanium mine8
Urak outpost2
Anarchist camp4
Centauri Warlords camp10
Charon Pirates cache4
Anarchist gathering5
Arco Vaughn's container habitat1
Dwarg colony7
Systems visited29
Never reached the Galactic Core
final equipment
enhanced IM90 multitarget blaster [+100%]
Rasiermesser launcher
enhanced Kaidun shield generator [+Ion Reflect]
4 damaged segments of hexacarbide armor [+Ion]
enhanced Hyperion reactor [+Enhanced]
enhanced pteracnium megadrive [+Enhanced]
2 patch spiders
Heisenmachines quantum CPU
MRAD experiment
ICX missile defense turret
smuggler's cargo hold
final items
61 Quantumsphere shells
damaged Quantumsphere disintegrator
Iocrym Avalanche cannon
enhanced Lamplighter archcannon [+20%]
Iocrym Fracture cannon
819 Gotha-400 seekers
96 hadron-vacuum fuel cells
Iocrym veil
2 gems of contrition
450 Gotha-10 missiles
blue etherium field crystal
Luminous 7ame algorithm
9 Luminous 5care algorithms
Ares Campaign Ribbon
transpace jumpdrive
3 Scramble1.5 algorithm cubes
3 ShieldEfficiency v1.2.5 algorithm cubes
Commonwealth Medal of Honor
2 Commonwealth Medals of Distinction
ShieldPower v1.0 algorithm cube
2 Commonwealth military identification chips
jewel of contemplation
black market identification chip
data ROM
data ROM
friendly ships destroyed
Luminous drone1
Zoanthrope behemoth2
Molotok bounty hunter1
Scarab-class superfreighter1
1M/i battle auton1
Ferian miner2
Zoanthrope raider1
T31-class armed transport2
Zulu-class gunship9
Tenhove-class sentinel1
items installed
IM90 multitarget blaster
Lamplighter archcannon
hexacarbide armor
Hyperion reactor
Iocrym veil
Kaidun shield generator
pteracnium megadrive
ion reflector
light ithalium armor
orthosteel armor
Rasiermesser launcher
Dragon armor
Dwarg holochroal armor
Hanzo blaster
inertialess drive
omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster
SN2500 reactor
transpace jumpdrive
Yoroi MX shield generator
device labeled "T101"
Dragonfly missile system
Duralloy armor
patch spider
Titan 440 fusion drive
Yoroi S500 shield generator
heavy plasteel armor
Heisenmachines quantum CPU
MRAD experiment
Nova-100 reactor
Yoroi S100 shield generator
ICX missile defense turret
MAG launcher
Nova-50 reactor
smuggler's cargo hold
monopole deflector screen
omnidirectional laser cannon
tritium propulsion upgrade
DM1500 disposable missile rack
heavy titanium armor
class I deflector
missions & activities
Agricultural colonies defended1
Commonwealth militia missions6 (2 failed)
CSC missions15 (2 failed)
Money earned on missions5000
Slaves freed8
Slaves offered to Domina27
weapons fired
IM90 multitarget blaster7232
Lamplighter archcannon629
Gotha-400 seeker1636
Gotha-10 missile114
Rasiermesser launcher1750
Hanzo blaster239
omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster40575
omnidirectional laser cannon7696
DM1500 disposable missile rack6
laser cannon5386