AdventureDomina & Oracus I: The Stars of the Pilgrim
Commonwealth militia rankMajor
Corporate privateer rankSenior Security Officer
DifficultyStory Mode
Domina relationshipCanon
FateSelf-destructed in the Jiang's Star System
GenderHuman male
Korolov rankMaster
Money (credits)459602
Money (euros)136143
Money (rin)10018
Money (yuan)228264
Ship classEvren-class heavy gunship
Time played1 day and 4 hours
achievements & regrets
Allowed Rama to meet his destiny
Became a gladiator in the Arena
Defended Korolov Shipping in the Charon system
Delivered arms to Asian Pacific Directorate
Destroyed Benedict's autons in 5 minutes and 2 seconds
Destroyed the Fortress in the Charon system
Destroyed the Silla anomaly
Discovered the Tau Ceti anomaly
Escorted North Atlantic Union SIGINT vessel
Failed to chased off the Nagato Explorer
Found and delivered Professor Dall's alien sphere
Intercepted strike force heading for the Nagato Explorer
Raided Cyclops Corporation headquarters
Scanned the Nagato Explorer
Enemy ships destroyed3951
Enemy stations destroyed446
Friendly ships destroyed32
Profit on goods and materials471662
Profit on luxury goods124987
Profit on medical supplies29254
Game resurrections3
Never bought life insurance
Never destroyed friendly stations
criminal record
Fined 22,000 credits by the North Atlantic Union
damage sustained
plasma shield generator4340
V300 powered armor35
Nephren B700 shield generator641
blast plate9
Ceratops 5T quasi-armor3788
Mammoth 25MW deflector3472
R5 deflector1543
ceralloy armor7
class V deflector743
heavy mark II Novaya armor21
medium mark II Novaya armor48
plasteel armor23
Cyclotron S10 deflector207
enemy ships destroyed
Dreaming nomad1
Revenant-class destroyer5
Lumiere destroyer2
Manticore-class heavy gunship3
Yamato-class bomber1
Hurin-class destroyer8
Tripoli-class destroyer4
Zoanthrope behemoth1
Earth Slaver18
Xenophobe defender5
Dwarg master30
Akuma-class heavy gunship1
Wraith-class heavy gunship14
Molotok/B-class heavy gunship4
Troglav-class frigate8
Urak destroyer29
Sotho II-class heavy gunship8
Borer III-class gunship9
TMA-9-class battle auton10
Goron behemoth3
Sung transport1
Xenophobe fighter10
Steel slaver71
Charon frigate3
Atonement-class heavy gunship12
Ronin/C-class chimera28
Molotok/A-class heavy gunship4
Evren-class heavy gunship8
Revelations-class missileship17
Heliotrope frigate56
Raijin-class heavy gunship9
Lumiere battle auton25
Sotho-class heavy gunship5
Viking-class chimera10
Goron monitor1
EI500-class freighter2
T55-class armed transport7
Barbary-class gunship28
Earthzone 5000-class missileship5
Meth enforcer44
Repentant-class gunship39
Ronin/C-class gunship38
Oromo II-class heavy gunship10
Cavebear raider12
Lumiere sentinel24
Borer II-class gunship21
Eldritch-class gunship46
Viking II-class gunship144
Zoanthrope raider521
Marauder raid platform16
Drake-class missileship20
Plague-class gunship66
medium IAV2
Heliotrope gunship77
Wind slaver433
Sapphire-class yacht4
Demir-class gunship40
Urak sentinel178
Earthzone 1200-class gunship52
Kaiten-class gunship24
T31-class armed transport5
heavy IAV2
Oromo-class heavy gunship24
TR-200-class defender39
Centauri heavy raider6
Viking-class gunship191
Ronin/B-class gunship56
Hornet-class chimera6
Corsair II-class gunship139
Hammerhead II-class gunship8
Likho-class heavy gunship52
Ronin/A-class gunship4
Zulu II-class gunship17
EI100-class freighter8
Sirin 3B-class gunship25
Himal interceptor73
Sabertooth raider19
Hornet-class battlepod460
Borer-class gunship39
Earthzone 100-class armed shuttle30
Hammerhead-class gunship28
Corsair-class gunship308
Goron soldier5
Goron swift20
Zulu-class gunship23
Sirin 3A-class gunship9
TA3-class sentinel29
Centauri raider49
enemy stations destroyed
Resurrector cathedral1
Resurrector sanctum5
Sung citadel16
Black Market shipyard3
Dwarg fortress4
Huari fortress5
level 6 outlaw mine6
Lumiere stronghold3
Penitent sanctum6
Sung fortress18
Curators stronghold8
Cyclops Corporation HQ1
Heliotrope colony18
level 5 outlaw mine4
Marauder stronghold6
Penitent shrine14
Resurrector outpost4
container habitat4
Death Drug Cartel outpost12
Dwarg colony30
First Hunters settlement2
level 4 outlaw mine2
Lumiere outpost9
Marauder compound7
Marauder outpost5
Sapiens compound13
Sung slave camp20
Urak fortress17
Anarchist settlement6
Charon Pirates stronghold20
Curators vault5
Fortress of the Charon Pirates1
Goron lair4
Heliotrope outpost7
level 3 outlaw mine3
outlaw haven6
Sapiens outpost8
tempus lab1
Urak mine7
Abbasid outpost16
Anarchist gathering40
Centauri warlord stronghold5
Charon Pirates outpost16
First Hunters outpost3
level 2 outlaw mine5
outlaw base3
Urak outpost14
Anarchist habitat6
Charon Pirates cache13
Curators outpost1
Himal refuge9
outlaw camp4
Systems visited38
Never reached Point Juno
Never reached Heretic
Never left Human Space
Corporate Command
Near Stars Expansion
final equipment
omnidirectional thermo cannon [+power save]
Rasiermesser launcher [+fast]
plasma shield generator [+30%]
6 segments of V300 powered armor [+EMP immune]
Koshiba-500 reactor
Titan 440 fusion drive [+enhanced]
Heisenmachines quantum CPU
NAMI auton bay
final items
advanced analyzer
advanced analyzer
9 pteracnium fuel rods
superlattice field crystal
417 Heliotrope fuel cylinders
805 xenotite fuel rods
Diarchy letter of marque
UAS Fleet identification chip
Commonwealth military identification chip
10 heliumĀ³ fuel rods
friendly ships destroyed
Molotok/B-class heavy gunship1
Molotok/A-class heavy gunship3
Zoanthrope raider26
Ronin/B-class gunship1
EI200-class freighter1
items installed
Koshiba-500 reactor
omnidirectional thermo cannon
plasma shield generator
Rasiermesser launcher
V300 powered armor
advanced ceralloy armor
NAMI mine launcher
Nephren B700 shield generator
omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster
SN2500 reactor
super-heavy mark III Novaya armor
150NX reactor
advanced plasteel armor
blast plate
Ceratops 5T quasi-armor
heavy ceralloy armor
Mammoth 25MW deflector
Orkan launcher
R5 deflector
Titan 440 fusion drive
ceralloy armor
class V deflector
hardened plasteel armor
heavy mark II Novaya armor
heavy plasteel armor
Heisenmachines quantum CPU
Makayev launcher
Makayev weapon enhancer
medium mark II Novaya armor
Nova-100 reactor
particle accelerator
particle beam turret
Yoroi S100 shield generator
ICX missile defense turret
NAMI auton bay
Nova-50 reactor
omnidirectional turbolaser cannon
plasteel armor
Sova-10 particle turret
Archura launcher
monopole deflector screen
Moskva 11 light turret
NAMI missile launcher
Nova-25 reactor
tritium propulsion upgrade
ceramic armor
laser collimator
Nova-15 reactor
trader's cargo hold
Valjor 50 laser cannon
Cyclotron S10 deflector
missions & activities
Commonwealth militia missions6
Corporate privateer missions12 (1 failed)
Korolov shipping missions6 (1 failed)
Mining colony missions5
Money donated to Sisters of Domina11,000 credits
Money earned on missions112,575 credits
Pilgrims' Aid Usage2,184 credits
Psionics offered to Domina15
powers invoked
ships used
Constellation-class freighter
Helgoland A110-class transport
Evren-class heavy gunship
weapons fired
Gotha-400 seeker46
Gotha-10 missile155
omnidirectional thermo cannon3436
Rasiermesser launcher201
omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster1388
Orkan 255 missile39
Orkan 131 missile21
Orkan launcher294
A30 Viyuga bolt19
Makayev launcher251
Orkan 55 missile234
particle beam turret7559
White Strelka missile251
KM550 Broadsword missile60
omnidirectional turbolaser cannon1841
Sova-10 particle turret365
Archura launcher19
KM110 Starburst missile22
KM500 Stiletto missile24
Moskva 11 light turret136
NAMI missile launcher241
KM100 Longbow missile135
laser cannon3714