AdventureDomina & Oracus I: The Stars of the Pilgrim
Black Market rankSmuggler
Corporate privateer rankFreelancer
Domina relationshipNovice
FateSelf-destructed in the Ras Alhague System
GenderHuman male
Korolov rankLegend
Money (credits)97271
Ship classManticore-class heavy gunship
Time played2 hours and 16 minutes
Version1.9 Beta 2c
achievements & regrets
Defeated the Kronosaurus
Discovered the Tau Ceti anomaly
Joined by Volkov
Liberated Raisu station
Enemy ships destroyed294
Enemy stations destroyed62
Profit on goods and materials14886
Profit on luxury goods4048
Profit on medical supplies78
Honored permadeath
Never bought life insurance
Never destroyed friendly ships or stations
Never used Pilgrims' Aid
damage sustained
heavy mark II Novaya armor1825
medium mark I Novaya armor1036
enemy ships destroyed
Charon frigate4
Ronin/C-class gunship4
Earthzone-class chimera1
Urak sentinel18
Oromo-class heavy gunship2
Centauri heavy raider6
Viking-class gunship42
Ronin/B-class gunship2
Hornet-class chimera5
Corsair II-class gunship13
Zulu II-class gunship4
Sirin 3B-class gunship2
Himal interceptor14
Hornet-class battlepod28
Borer-class gunship3
Earthzone-class armed shuttle3
Hammerhead-class gunship2
Corsair-class gunship58
Zulu-class gunship20
Sirin 3A-class gunship9
TA3-class sentinel2
Centauri raider52
enemy stations destroyed
container habitat1
Anarchist settlement1
Charon Pirates stronghold4
Abbasid outpost4
Anarchist gathering9
Arco Vaughn's container habitat1
Centauri warlord stronghold1
Himal refuge9
outlaw base2
outlaw titanium mine1
Urak outpost4
Anarchist habitat4
Centauri warlord camp6
Charon Pirates cache6
Charon Pirates outpost4
Curators outpost3
outlaw camp2
Systems visited9
Never reached St. Katharine's Star
Never reached Jiang's Star
Never reached Point Juno
Never reached Heretic
Never reached the Galactic Core
Corporate Command
Near Stars Expansion
Osaka Playership
final equipment
lancer cannon
slam cannon [+20%]
Burak missile launcher
Novaya armor repairer
6 segments of heavy mark II Novaya armor
150NX reactor
Titan 440 fusion drive
smuggler's cargo hold
Uzun targeting scanner
final items
segment of blast plate
281 Akan 30 cannon shell cartridges
37 Burak500 missiles
5 xenotite fuel rods
sealed container with black markings
129 Burak400 missiles
13 barrels of Centauri rice
14 heliumĀ³ reactor assemblies
weapon efficiency ROM
2 turbolaser cannons
282 KM500 Stiletto missiles
33 KM120 Brute missiles
4 tons of cobalt-thorium ore
60 KM110 Starburst missiles
crate of frozen megathere meat
Rasiermesser SmartCannon
solar panel array
109 KM100 Longbow missiles
14 crates of frozen synthetic chicken
4 cases of Martian nori
4 segments of ceramic armor
black market identification chip
Bolide laser blaster
Burak200 missile
cannon accelerator
dual laser cannon
portable analyzer
portable analyzer
visual display enhancement ROM
18 laudanum ampules
4 crates of Kennebec Salmonite
4 Tempus syrettes
53 heliumĀ³ fuel rods
7 tanks of hydrogen gas
carved prayer stone
data ROM
items installed
150NX reactor
Titan 440 fusion drive
heavy mark II Novaya armor
lancer cannon
Nova-50 reactor
slam cannon
smuggler's cargo hold
medium mark I Novaya armor
Nova-25 reactor
Novaya armor repairer
solar panel array
tritium propulsion upgrade
Uzun targeting scanner
Burak missile launcher
heavy recoilless cannon
Nova-15 reactor
missions & activities
Commonwealth habitat missions1
Commonwealth militia missions4
Corporate privateer missions3
Korolov shipping missions5
Mining colony missions2
Money donated to Sisters of Domina1,000 credits
Money earned on missions8,300 credits
Psionics offered to Domina1
Slaves freed1
ships used
Manticore-class heavy gunship
weapons fired
lancer cannon1523
Burak400 missile19
slam cannon941
Burak missile launcher114
Burak200 missile95
heavy recoilless cannon479