AdventureEternity Port
Commonwealth militia rankMajor
FateSelf-destructed in the Flauros System
GenomeHuman male
Korolov rankApprentice
Money (credits)992136
Money (euros)9877594
Money (rin)1000000
Money (yuan)9510502
Ship classHercules-class transport
Time played9 hours and 47 minutes
achievements & regrets
Defeated Luminous
Delivered arms to Asian Pacific Directorate
Delivered Morningstar's message to Eternity Port
Helped Lilith increase her powers
Joined by Jenna
Met Failsafe
Obtained Lilith's hunter-killer
Resurrected Lilith
Enemy ships destroyed327
Enemy stations destroyed10
Profit on medical supplies500
Honored permadeath
Never destroyed friendly ships or stations
damage sustained
diamond lattice armor227
heavy orthosteel armor1217
hexacarbide armor744
ithalium armor424
orthosteel armor80
advanced ceralloy armor21
light orthosteel armor148
heavy ceralloy armor37
R5 deflector123013
heavy plasteel armor215
Nephren P25 shield generator5886
advanced reactive armor21
reactive armor138
class I deflector36
enemy ships destroyed
Ventari destroyer1
Polar-class freighter1
Earth Slaver2
Kobol gunship2
Sandstorm-class gunship54
Luminous drone4
Wraith-class heavy gunship3
Dreaming raider11
Sung transport1
Steel slaver10
Ranx gunship18
Barbary-class gunship2
Meth enforcer3
Sotho-class heavy gunship5
Cavebear raider2
Revelations-class missileship2
Zoanthrope raider1
Eldritch-class gunship22
Marauder raid platform1
Wind slaver52
Plague-class gunship8
Heliotrope gunship3
Kaiten-class gunship7
Viking II-class gunship23
Viking-class gunship4
Corsair II-class gunship10
Hammerhead II-class gunship2
Borer II-class gunship3
Himal interceptor1
Sabertooth raider12
Hornet-class battlepod23
Borer-class gunship1
Earthzone-class armed shuttle2
Hammerhead-class gunship2
Corsair-class gunship16
Centauri raider13
enemy stations destroyed
Dreaming Nexus1
Resurrector sanctum1
Sung research laboratory1
Sapiens compound1
Sung slave camp3
Abbasid outpost1
outlaw titanium mine1
Systems visited28
Never reached Urak
final equipment
omnidirectional ion blaster
omnidirectional particle cannon [+50%]
R5 deflector
segment of diamond lattice armor
2 segments of heavy orthosteel armor
2 segments of hexacarbide armor
segment of ithalium armor
Koshiba-500 reactor
ICX missile defense turret
particle accelerator
patcher arm
smuggler's cargo hold
CDM shard
final items
15 hadron-vacuum fuel cells
20 cases of New Coke
CDM repeater
cerusite crystal
damaged Luminous shroud
damaged Sova-900 ion turret
2 advanced analyzers
4 nodules of crystalline uranium
6 Luminous 7ame algorithms
plasma shield generator
156 pteracnium fuel rods
3 ion power capacitors
3 promethium crystals
31 Luminous 5care algorithms
4 CDM archives
7 molbidium field crystals
booby-trapped ammunition box
Bushido weapon enhancer
gem of despair
Longreach I autocannon
12 ShieldEfficiency v1.2.5 algorithm cubes
4 longzhu spheres
5 green etherium field crystals
9 Scramble1.5 algorithm cubes
death cube
platinum cash card
2 engineering analyzers
2 engineering analyzers
2 hexagene boosters
6 engineering analyzers
calligraphy scroll
Commonwealth Medal of Distinction
engineering analyzer
engineering analyzer
engineering analyzer
Heisenmachines quantum CPU
Makayev weapon enhancer
ShieldPower v3.1.8 algorithm cube
UAS Fleet identification chip
3 particle source upgrades
Commonwealth military identification chip
particle accelerator
2 jewels of contemplation
weapon optimizer ROM
3 portable analyzers
black market identification chip
cargo hold expansion
portable analyzer
portable analyzer
portable analyzer
shield enhancement ROM
carved prayer stone
items installed
diamond lattice armor
heavy orthosteel armor
hexacarbide armor
ithalium armor
omnidirectional ion blaster
IO450 Bastion cannon
Koshiba-500 reactor
orthosteel armor
advanced ceralloy armor
Bushido weapon enhancer
Katana star cannon
light orthosteel armor
SN2500 reactor
heavy ceralloy armor
R5 deflector
heavy plasteel armor
light blast plate
Nephren P25 shield generator
Nova-100 reactor
omnidirectional particle cannon
advanced reactive armor
ICX missile defense turret
Nova-50 reactor
particle accelerator
patcher arm
smuggler's cargo hold
Sova-10 particle turret
omnidirectional laser cannon
solar panel array
cargo hold expansion
reactive armor
CDM shard
class I deflector
laser collimator
recoilless cannon
missions & activities
Commonwealth militia missions6
Korolov escort missions2
Mining colony missions1
Money earned on missions34100
Slaves freed40
weapons fired
omnidirectional ion blaster8249
IO450 Bastion cannon100
Katana star cannon8
omnidirectional particle cannon1330
Sova-10 particle turret851
omnidirectional laser cannon1902
laser cannon4405
recoilless cannon19