A Developer Tries to Reach the Core
In the first episode we start in the relatively safe haven of Starton Eridani but end up going toe-to-toe with a deadly pirate frigate.
Confident after my success in Eridani, I try to running missions for Korolov Shipping, only to discover a fatal weakness.
Humbled but wiser, I continue to earn money escorting freighters, while trying to avoid encounters with the dreaded Charon frigates.
In this episode I fight to the death at the Battle Arena Maximus.
Fresh from success at the Arena, I join the Corporate Hierarchy and track down Anton Nasser.
I return to the Battle Arena to face The Slicer, but discover that Katami is in danger.
After destroying the Fortress of the Charon Pirates, I return to Korolov Shipping, only to discover that the deadly pirate ship Kronosaurus is after me.
After visiting most of the systems in the New Beyond, I finally reach St. Katharine's Star, the capital of the Commonwealth.
My first tentative foray into the Ungoverned Territories goes better than expected, but not without casualties.
In this episode I fight against Sung Slavers among the binary stars of the Draconis System.
A careless mistake almost costs me a life, but Domina's Desperate Escape is there to help.
In this episode I fight might way through Sung space.
Dwarg, Penitents, and the ever-present Sung oppose my journey to the Core.
I reach the Anaxas system and meet up again with Anton Nasser.
At the edge of the Ungoverned Territories, I find myself underpowered.
I enter the Outer Realm, but I still have unfinished business with the Huari.
In the Outer Realm, I run into a Commonwealth Star Carrier in need of meds.
I finally reach the fabled star system of Huaramarca.
I help the Commonwealth Fleet in their war against the Ares, but a mission to intercept an Ares convoy goes disastrously wrong—again and again.
After (painfully) learning my lesson on Ares strength, I go back and try again.
After upgrading weapons, I work for the Fleet once again.
With the CSC Pacifica's help, I take on two Omnithor hunter-killers.
Deep in the Outer Realm, I encounter the Fleet's last remaining stronghold of Point Juno. Will I be able to defend it from the Ares onslaught?
In the Gunsan system we meet Anton Nasser once again, and help to defend a military shipyard from chimera infection.
At the edge of Human Space I encounter the CSC Antarctica, a rogue carrier now hunted by the Fleet.
In the series finale, I finally encounter the Iocrym—the alien race responsible for the Human Quarantine Zone.
Adventure Domina & Oracus I: The Stars of the Pilgrim
Black Market rank Enforcer
Commonwealth Fleet rank Fleet commander
Commonwealth militia rank Colonel
Corporate privateer rank Security Officer
Domina relationship Canon
Fate Left Human Space on a journey to the Galactic Core
Game Registered
Genome Human female
Korolov rank Legend
Money (credits) 34,285
Money (rin) 11,762
Score 82,784
Ship class Sapphire-class yacht
Time played 23 hours and 29 minutes
Version 1.6.4
Allowed Rama to meet his destiny
Became Defender of the Huari
Became Legendary Hero of the Arena
Cleared the Charon system for Korolov Shipping
Defended Fiona's freighter from Penitents
Defended the CSC Antarctica
Destroyed Benedict's autons in 11 minutes and 40 seconds
Destroyed Cyclops Lab X05
Destroyed the Silla anomaly
Discovered the Tau Ceti anomaly
Failed to defend Point Juno
Found and delivered Professor Dall's alien sphere
Liberated Raisu station
Lost Jenna
Lost Volkov
Raided Cyclops Corporation headquarters
Rescued Mr. Katami from the Black Market
Rescued Project Lamplighter scientists
Saved the Gunsan Complex from chimera infection
Enemy ships destroyed 1997
Enemy stations destroyed 228
Friendly ships destroyed 36
Profit on arms 958,207
Profit on goods and materials 141,752
Profit on illegal items 39,735
Profit on luxury goods 81,604
Profit on medical supplies 18,314
Profit on slave sales 4,500
Game resurrections 9
Never destroyed friendly stations
light Iocrym armor 3,237
octocarbide armor 8,700
Taikon-200 deflector 16,464
ithalium armor 2,748
carbide carapace 41,224
plasma shield generator 17,294
Dragon shield generator 8,902
Mammoth 50MW deflector 44,152
blast plate 10,538
Mammoth 25MW deflector 19,600
light blast plate 1,710
Nephren P25 shield generator 17,596
advanced reactive armor 378
heavy ceramic armor 210
light plasteel armor 453
hull plate ionizer 6,801
reactive armor 47
class I deflector 219
Huygens Explorer 1
Iocrym sentinel 8
Aquila-class cruiser 3
EI7000-class chimera 3
Chasm-class heavy gunship 13
Dragon Slaver 1
Omnithor hunter-killer 7
Cometfall-class missileship 4
Tundra-class heavy gunship 24
Centurion-class chimera 2
Ranx dreadnought 2
Kobol gunship 7
The Slicer 1
Ares sentry 30
Lumiere destroyer 2
Polar-class freighter 12
Omnithor heavy gunship 14
Tripoli-class destroyer 2
Zoanthrope behemoth 1
Earth Slaver 10
Omnithor gunship 4
Xenophobe defender 4
Sandstorm-class gunship 269
Dwarg master 12
Luminous drone 40
Urak destroyer 2
Centurion-class heavy gunship 2
pirate ship Kronosaurus 1
Troglav-class frigate 3
Wolfen-class gunship 1
Sung transport 5
Revelations-class missileship 6
Manticore-class heavy gunship 2
Steel slaver 32
Atonement-class heavy gunship 13
Charon frigate 4
Ranx gunship 75
heavy IAV 3
Lumiere battle auton 23
Heliotrope frigate 2
Repentant-class gunship 29
Viking-class chimera 2
T55-class armed transport 1
Barbary-class gunship 10
Meth enforcer 19
Ronin/C-class gunship 5
Sotho-class heavy gunship 16
Drake-class missileship 14
Lumiere sentinel 12
Zoanthrope raider 81
Viking II-class gunship 42
Marauder raid platform 2
Wind slaver 245
Earthzone-class chimera 2
EI200-class freighter 2
Plague-class gunship 5
Heliotrope gunship 30
Arco Vaughn 1
200A defender auton 1
EI500-class freighter 6
Likho-class heavy gunship 20
Urak sentinel 40
Oromo-class gunship 8
T31-class armed transport 5
Centauri heavy raider 4
Viking-class gunship 99
Hornet-class chimera 7
Corsair II-class gunship 49
Ronin/B-class gunship 6
Hammerhead II-class gunship 18
Borer II-class gunship 28
Ronin/A-class gunship 6
Zulu II-class gunship 3
Sirin 3B-class gunship 7
Himal interceptor 3
medium IAV 2
EI100-class freighter 7
Hornet-class battlepod 102
Borer-class gunship 7
Earthzone-class armed shuttle 15
Hammerhead-class gunship 7
Corsair-class gunship 280
light IAV 3
Zulu-class gunship 14
Sirin 3A-class gunship 15
TA3-class sentinel 20
Centauri raider 47
pteravore lair 1
Cyclops Lab X05 1
Ares commune 7
Omnithor settlement 1
Kobol warlord camp 3
Luminous Assembler 3
Omnithor autofac 4
Ranx fortress 1
Ares outpost 9
Omnithor lab 1
Penitent sanctum 4
Ranx outpost 5
Dwarg fortress 1
Lumiere stronghold 5
outlaw pteracnium mine 2
Sung citadel 3
Sung fortress 9
Curators stronghold 3
Dwarg colony 27
Heliotrope colony 4
Marauder stronghold 2
outlaw duranium mine 6
Penitent shrine 10
Arco Vaughn's container habitat 1
container habitat 1
Death Drug Cartel outpost 4
Lumiere outpost 4
Marauder compound 1
outlaw ceralloy mine 1
Sapiens compound 2
Sung slave camp 8
Urak fortress 2
Anarchist settlement 4
Charon Pirates stronghold 12
Curators vault 2
Fortress of the Charon Pirates 1
Heliotrope outpost 4
outlaw haven 1
outlaw palladium mine 3
Sapiens camp 3
Urak mine 2
Abbasid outpost 3
Anarchist gathering 11
Centauri warlord stronghold 4
Charon Pirates outpost 4
Himal refuge 2
outlaw base 4
outlaw titanium mine 3
Urak outpost 4
Anarchist habitat 4
Centauri warlord camp 6
Charon Pirates cache 10
Curators outpost 5
Systems visited 40
Never reached the Galactic Core
Corporate Command
The Stars of the Pilgrim HD
The Stars of the Pilgrim Soundtrack
omnidirectional thermo cannon [+50%]
Ares launcher
Taikon-200 deflector
4 damaged segments of light Iocrym armor
Hyperion reactor
enhanced tritium propulsion upgrade [+Enhanced]
lithium booster
ICX missile defense turret
smuggler's cargo hold
3 segments of octocarbide armor
enhanced segment of octocarbide armor [+Regen]
2 segments of ithalium armor
authentic Ringer artifact
2 advanced analyzers
advanced analyzer
segment of Tharsis plate
2 medium armor repair kits
311 thermo cannon shell cartridges
5 gems of despair
65 pteracnium fuel rods
69 Ares micronukes
Ares Campaign Ribbon
enhanced tritium cannon [+50%]
Commonwealth Medal of Honor
Cydonian shield generator
2 light armor repair kits
Commonwealth Medal of Distinction
2 Commonwealth military identification chips
black market identification chip
data ROM
Sandstorm-class gunship 2
Molotok bounty hunter 1
Centurion-class heavy gunship 3
Ronin/C-class gunship 1
Ferian miner 8
Zoanthrope raider 14
T31-class armed transport 1
AutoSentinel® 1
Ronin/A-class gunship 1
EI100-class freighter 1
Zulu-class gunship 3
light Iocrym armor
octocarbide armor
Taikon-200 deflector
Hyperion reactor
ithalium armor
Qianlong archcannon
Ares launcher
carbide carapace
Koshiba-500 reactor
lithium booster
omnidirectional thermo cannon
plasma shield generator
side-mounted mark V howitzer
Dragon shield generator
light ion blaster
Mammoth 50MW deflector
tritium cannon
150NX reactor
blast plate
Mammoth 25MW deflector
omnidirectional muon cannon
patch spider
light blast plate
mark I howitzer
Nephren P25 shield generator
Nova-100 reactor
omnidirectional particle cannon
Sabel 90 particle cannon
advanced reactive armor
ICX missile defense turret
Nova-50 reactor
particle beam weapon
smuggler's cargo hold
heavy ceramic armor
light plasteel armor
NAMI missile launcher
Nova-25 reactor
Rasiermesser SmartCannon
tritium propulsion upgrade
turbolaser cannon
hull plate ionizer
Nova-15 reactor
reactive armor
class I deflector
recoilless cannon
Commonwealth habitat missions 1
Commonwealth militia missions 6
Corporate privateer missions 8
CSC missions 9 (1 failed)
Korolov escort missions 18
Money earned on missions 21,500
Psionics offered to Domina 18
Slaves freed 8
Slaves offered to Domina 23
Value of supplies donated to Commonwealth Fleet 9,550
Ares Warhammer nuke 91
Qianlong archcannon 35
Ares launcher 685
omnidirectional thermo cannon 1,209
side-mounted mark V howitzer 493
Ares micronuke 594
light ion blaster 1,368
tritium cannon 10,898
XM900 Lucifer missile 157
omnidirectional muon cannon 266
mark I howitzer 4,415
omnidirectional particle cannon 694
Sabel 90 particle cannon 154
KM550 Broadsword missile 291
particle beam weapon 7,213
XM300 Reaper missile 30
KM110 Starburst missile 170
KM120 Brute missile 148
KM500 Stiletto missile 679
NAMI missile launcher 2,419
Rasiermesser SmartCannon 3,482
turbolaser cannon 1,010
KM100 Longbow missile 944
laser cannon 359
recoilless cannon 744