AdventureDomina & Oracus I: The Stars of the Pilgrim
Black Market rankSindikat member
Commonwealth Fleet rankFleet captain
Commonwealth militia rankColonel
Domina relationshipCanon
FateLeft Human Space on a journey to the Galactic Core
GenomeHuman male
Korolov rankJourneyman
Money (credits)383076
Money (rin)239468
Ship classSapphire-class yacht
Time played13 hours and 19 minutes
achievements & regrets
Acquired Lamplighter archcannon
Became Defender of the Huari
Cleared the Charon system for Korolov Shipping
Defended Point Juno
Destroyed the CSC Antarctica
Found and delivered Professor Dall's alien sphere
Rescued Project Lamplighter scientists
Enemy ships destroyed1542
Enemy stations destroyed149
Friendly ships destroyed3
Profit on arms2046201
Profit on goods and materials115502
Profit on illegal items92626
Profit on luxury goods155080
Profit on medical supplies72625
Honored permadeath
Never destroyed friendly stations
damage sustained
light Iocrym armor2044
diamond lattice armor388
heavy orthosteel armor2676
hexacarbide armor1418
Iocrym veil24323
Kaidun shield generator12333
orthosteel armor1045
plasma shield generator40709
light orthosteel armor340
blast plate6409
Nephren P25 shield generator30809
Yoroi S100 shield generator291
class III deflector2614
reactive armor22
class I deflector3140
enemy ships destroyed
Iocrym command ship1
Xenophobe ark1
Phobos-class dreadnought1
Huygens Explorer1
Iocrym sentinel22
Commonwealth Star Carrier1
Xenophobe worldship1
Gaian processor1
Deimos-class destroyer8
Chasm-class heavy gunship25
Dragon Slaver1
Cometfall-class missileship7
Ventari destroyer5
Tundra-class heavy gunship38
Ranx dreadnought6
Ares sentry78
Centurion/X-class heavy gunship2
Polar-class freighter8
Tripoli-class destroyer3
Earth Slaver8
Kobol gunship9
Xenophobe defender8
Sandstorm-class gunship435
Dwarg master1
Luminous drone9
Centurion-class heavy gunship5
Sung transport5
Xenophobe fighter120
Revelations-class missileship2
Steel slaver13
Atonement-class heavy gunship3
Charon frigate8
Ranx gunship65
Heliotrope frigate3
Repentant-class gunship9
Barbary-class gunship16
Meth enforcer1
Ronin/C-class gunship1
Sotho-class heavy gunship4
Drake-class missileship10
Viking II-class gunship50
Marauder raid platform6
Wind slaver143
Plague-class gunship3
Heliotrope gunship21
Urak sentinel9
Oromo-class gunship3
T31-class armed transport3
Viking-class gunship62
Corsair II-class gunship46
Ronin/B-class gunship3
Hammerhead II-class gunship3
Borer II-class gunship25
Zulu II-class gunship11
Himal interceptor2
Hornet-class battlepod14
Borer-class gunship18
Earthzone-class armed shuttle1
Hammerhead-class gunship10
Corsair-class gunship121
Zulu-class gunship7
TA3-class sentinel8
Centauri raider28
enemy stations destroyed
pteravore lair5
Ares commune10
Ares shipyard10
Kobol warlord camp4
Luminous Assembler1
Ranx fortress4
Rogue Fleet settlement2
Ares outpost16
Penitent sanctum2
Ranx outpost4
Rogue Fleet cache1
Ventari colony2
Dwarg fortress1
outlaw pteracnium mine3
Sung citadel4
Sung fortress10
Heliotrope colony2
Marauder stronghold3
outlaw duranium mine4
Penitent shrine5
Death Drug Cartel outpost1
Dwarg colony1
Marauder compound4
Marauder outpost2
Sung slave camp5
Urak fortress1
Charon Pirates stronghold7
Fortress of the Charon Pirates1
Heliotrope outpost3
outlaw haven1
Sapiens camp2
Urak mine1
Abbasid outpost3
Anarchist gathering2
Charon Pirates outpost7
Himal refuge1
outlaw base1
outlaw camp1
Urak outpost2
Centauri warlord camp7
Charon Pirates cache3
Systems visited27
Never reached the Galactic Core
The Stars of the Pilgrim HD
The Stars of the Pilgrim Soundtrack
final equipment
enhanced Ares plasma archcannon [+Fast]
NAMI heavy launcher
enhanced Iocrym veil [+20%]
2 enhanced segments of light Iocrym armor [+20%]
2 enhanced segments of light Iocrym armor [+50%]
Hyperion reactor
enhanced inertialess drive [+Enhanced]
transpace jumpdrive
smuggler's cargo hold
final items
15 chests of jasmine pearl tea
3 cases of Ringer ambrosia
37 Kytryn plasma pods
Iocrym repeller
Lamplighter archcannon
100 hadron-vacuum fuel cells
50 M2 Vulcan missiles
80 S3 Medusa missiles
3 cases of Ringer spice
advanced analyzer
advanced analyzer
advanced analyzer
portable autodoc
tritium injector
112 pteracnium fuel rods
2 chests of jinn-khan
2 gems of despair
Ares Campaign Ribbon
ion power capacitor
2 ShieldEfficiency v1.2.5 algorithm cubes
26 longzhu spheres
3 patch spiders
Commonwealth Medal of Honor
Commonwealth Medal of Distinction
2 Commonwealth military identification chips
black market identification chip
data ROM
friendly ships destroyed
Britannia-class heavy gunship1
Ronin/C-class gunship1
Ferian miner1
items installed
light Iocrym armor
Ares plasma archcannon
diamond lattice armor
Lamplighter archcannon
plasma cannon
heavy orthosteel armor
hexacarbide armor
Hyperion reactor
Iocrym veil
Kaidun shield generator
NAMI heavy launcher
Ares lightning turret
Koshiba-500 reactor
omnidirectional thermo cannon
orthosteel armor
plasma shield generator
inertialess drive
Katana star cannon
light ion blaster
light orthosteel armor
SN2500 reactor
thermo cannon
transpace jumpdrive
tritium cannon
blast plate
high-speed howitzer loader
mark III howitzer
patch spider
Nephren P25 shield generator
Nova-100 reactor
Urak howitzer
Yoroi S100 shield generator
class III deflector
Nova-50 reactor
particle accelerator
PK25 Morning Star cannon
smuggler's cargo hold
heavy ceramic armor
NAMI missile launcher
Rasiermesser SmartCannon
turbolaser cannon
Urak mass driver
cannon accelerator
cargo hold expansion
heavy recoilless cannon
Nova-15 reactor
reactive armor
class I deflector
recoilless cannon
missions & activities
Commonwealth habitat missions1
Commonwealth militia missions6
CSC missions12
Korolov escort missions8
Money earned on missions6750
Slaves offered to Domina33
Value of supplies donated to Commonwealth Fleet13049
weapons fired
Ares plasma archcannon869
Lamplighter archcannon4
plasma cannon2006
M2 Vulcan missile205
NAMI heavy launcher466
S3 Medusa missile261
Ares lightning turret1406
omnidirectional thermo cannon480
Katana star cannon320
light ion blaster2811
thermo cannon86
tritium cannon3530
XM900 Lucifer missile49
mark III howitzer358
Urak howitzer1298
KM550 Broadsword missile73
PK25 Morning Star cannon3918
KM110 Starburst missile160
KM120 Brute missile8
KM500 Stiletto missile61
NAMI missile launcher774
Rasiermesser SmartCannon154
turbolaser cannon1109
Urak mass driver1471
heavy recoilless cannon707
KM100 Longbow missile423
recoilless cannon1047