AdventureDomina & Oracus I: The Stars of the Pilgrim
Black Market rankSindikat member
Commonwealth Fleet rankFleet captain
Commonwealth militia rankColonel
Domina relationshipCanon
FateLeft Human Space on a journey to the Galactic Core
GenomeHuman female
Korolov rankMaster
Money (credits)771537
Money (rin)274366
Ship classWolfen-class gunship
Time played1 day and 3 hours
achievements & regrets
Became Defender of the Huari
Became Legendary Hero of the Arena
Cleared the Charon system for Korolov Shipping
Defended Fiona's freighter from Penitents
Defended Point Juno
Defended the CSC Antarctica
Found and delivered Professor Dall's alien sphere
Joined by Rama
Liberated Raisu station
Rescued Mr. Katami from the Black Market
Rescued Project Lamplighter scientists
Enemy ships destroyed2533
Enemy stations destroyed201
Friendly ships destroyed37
Friendly stations destroyed1
Profit on arms1995394
Profit on goods and materials469939
Profit on illegal items144468
Profit on luxury goods87499
Profit on medical supplies28430
Honored permadeath
enemy ships destroyed
Iocrym command ship1
Phobos-class dreadnought6
Huygens Explorer1
Iocrym sentinel17
Xenophobe worldship3
Aquila-class cruiser4
Gaian processor3
Deimos-class destroyer24
Chasm-class heavy gunship33
Dragon Slaver1
Cometfall-class missileship6
Ventari destroyer16
Tundra-class heavy gunship51
Ranx dreadnought13
The Slicer1
Ares sentry117
Centurion/X-class heavy gunship2
Polar-class freighter15
Tripoli-class destroyer1
Earth Slaver7
Xenophobe defender7
Sandstorm-class gunship356
Manticore-class heavy gunship1
Dwarg master6
Luminous drone138
Urak destroyer2
Centurion-class heavy gunship22
Sung transport6
Charon frigate10
Atonement-class heavy gunship11
EI500-class freighter4
Steel slaver15
Ranx gunship207
Heliotrope destroyer5
Repentant-class gunship8
Ronin/C-class gunship2
Wolfen-class gunship1
T55-class armed transport1
Barbary-class gunship10
Meth enforcer33
Sotho-class heavy gunship26
Drake-class missileship8
Revelations-class missileship3
Zoanthrope raider92
Marauder raid platform6
Wind slaver212
Plague-class gunship23
Sapphire-class yacht1
Heliotrope gunship18
heavy IAV3
Arco Vaughn1
200A defender auton1
Urak sentinel28
Viking II-class gunship70
Oromo-class gunship16
T31-class armed transport5
Viking-class gunship71
Centauri heavy raider1
EI100-class freighter5
Corsair II-class gunship80
Ronin/B-class gunship5
Hammerhead II-class gunship13
Borer II-class gunship54
Ronin/A-class gunship4
Zulu II-class gunship19
Himal interceptor1
medium IAV1
Hornet-class battlepod92
Borer-class gunship24
Earthzone-class armed shuttle12
Hammerhead-class gunship8
Corsair-class gunship363
light IAV5
Zulu-class gunship33
TA3-class sentinel4
Centauri raider58
enemy stations destroyed
pteravore lair6
Ares commune12
Ares shipyard11
Luminous Assembler7
Ranx fortress5
Rogue Fleet settlement1
Ares outpost6
Penitent sanctum3
Ranx outpost4
Rogue Fleet cache4
Ventari colony6
outlaw pteracnium mine4
Sung citadel1
Sung fortress7
Dwarg colony15
Heliotrope colony3
Marauder stronghold1
outlaw duranium mine5
Penitent shrine4
Arco Vaughn's container habitat1
Death Drug Cartel outpost7
Marauder compound2
Marauder outpost6
outlaw ceralloy mine6
Sapiens compound4
Sung slave camp2
Urak fortress2
Anarchist settlement3
Charon Pirates stronghold13
Fortress of the Charon Pirates1
Heliotrope outpost2
outlaw haven1
outlaw palladium mine7
Sapiens camp3
Abbasid outpost1
Anarchist gathering13
Centauri warlord stronghold1
Charon Pirates outpost2
Himal refuge1
outlaw base4
outlaw camp1
outlaw titanium mine2
Urak outpost3
Centauri warlord camp6
Charon Pirates cache2
Systems visited27
Never reached the Galactic Core
final equipment
enhanced Ares plasma archcannon [+Fast]
enhanced Dvalin Ion9 cannon [+90%]
enhanced omnidirectional thermo cannon [+90%]
enhanced Taikon-200 deflector [+30%]
3 enhanced segments of light Iocrym armor [+20%]
enhanced segment of light Iocrym armor [+50%]
enhanced Hyperion reactor [+Enhanced]
high-speed howitzer loader
Heisenmachines quantum CPU
final items
gem of sacrifice
39 hadron-vacuum fuel cells
5 gems of contrition
advanced analyzer
500 thermo cannon shell cartridges
19 longzhu spheres
Scramble1.5 algorithm cube
Commonwealth military identification chip
black market identification chip
friendly ships destroyed
Molotok bounty hunter1
Centurion-class heavy gunship1
Ferian miner4
Zoanthrope raider15
Salvager Nomad2
T31-class armed transport5
light IAV1
Ronin/A-class gunship1
Zulu-class gunship7
friendly stations destroyed
Teraton trading post1
items installed
light Iocrym armor
Ares plasma archcannon
diamond lattice armor
heavy ithalium armor
Iocrym Fracture cannon
Iocrym repeller
positron lancer
Taikon-200 deflector
advanced tritium cannon
Ares positron cannon
Dvalin Ion9 cannon
Hyperion reactor
Ares launcher
carbide carapace
ion flame cannon
Mammoth 100MW deflector
omnidirectional thermo cannon
orthosteel armor
plasma shield generator
R9 deflector
Katana star cannon
mark V howitzer
transpace jumpdrive
150NX reactor
blast plate
high-speed howitzer loader
Invincible-class deflector
plasma torch
class V deflector
dual Flenser cannon
dual particle beam weapon
heavy plasteel armor
heavy slam cannon
Heisenmachines quantum CPU
MRAD experiment
Nova-100 reactor
Sung armor
advanced reactive armor
AK505 Ballista cannon
class III deflector
particle accelerator
smuggler's cargo hold
Tevlar-composite armor
light plasteel armor
miners's cargo hold
NAMI missile launcher
Nova-25 reactor
Rasiermesser SmartCannon
cannon accelerator
dual laser cannon
hull plate ionizer
reactive armor
missions & activities
Agricultural colonies defended2
Commonwealth habitat missions1
Commonwealth militia missions6
CSC missions11
Korolov escort missions14
Money earned on missions22550
Psionics offered to Domina15
Slaves freed10
Slaves offered to Domina27
Value of supplies donated to Commonwealth Fleet38111
weapons fired
Ares plasma archcannon1440
Iocrym Fracture cannon15
Iocrym repeller21
positron lancer7
advanced tritium cannon145
Ares positron cannon9
Ares Warhammer nuke12
Dvalin Ion9 cannon624
Ares launcher22
ion flame cannon36
omnidirectional thermo cannon6033
Ares micronuke10
Katana star cannon4216
mark V howitzer1522
plasma torch4632
dual Flenser cannon9494
dual particle beam weapon12045
heavy slam cannon28
AK505 Ballista cannon115
KM500 Stiletto missile478
XM300 Reaper missile5
KM110 Starburst missile46
NAMI missile launcher824
Rasiermesser SmartCannon2837
dual laser cannon865
KM100 Longbow missile295