AdventureDomina & Oracus I: The Stars of the Pilgrim
Black Market rankEnforcer
Commonwealth Fleet rankFleet captain
Commonwealth militia rankMajor
Corporate privateer rankPrincipal Agent
Domina relationshipCanon
FateSelf-destructed in the Heretic System
GenderHuman male
Korolov rankMaster
Money (credits)484
Money (euros)195602
Money (rin)10876
Money (yuan)5148
Ship classCenturion/X-class heavy gunship
Time played1 day and 20 hours
achievements & regrets
Allowed Jenna to return home
Became Legendary Hero of the Arena
Chased off the Nagato Explorer
Cleared the Charon system for Korolov Shipping
Defended Fiona's freighter from Penitents
Defended Point Juno
Defended Raisu Station from Centauri warlord attack
Defended the CSC Antarctica
Delivered arms to Eurasian Diarchy
Destroyed an APD Space Command base
Destroyed Benedict's autons in 7 minutes and 40 seconds
Destroyed Cyclops Lab X05
Destroyed the Fortress in the Charon system
Destroyed the Silla anomaly
Discovered the Ras Alhague anomaly
Escorted North Atlantic Union SIGINT vessel
Evaded the Kronosaurus
Found and delivered Professor Dall's alien sphere
Helped the Nagato Explorer to defect
Intercepted strike force heading for the Nagato Explorer
Joined by Rama
Killed Arco Vaughn in Eridani
Made contact with Stormhound
Met Captain Okida of the Nagato Explorer
Raided Cyclops Corporation headquarters
Recovered Project Lamplighter prototype
Rescued Mr. Katami from the Black Market
Rescued Project Lamplighter scientists
Saved all shipyards in the Gunsan Complex
Scanned the Nagato Explorer
Spared Centauri settlement in Eridani
Visited Tranquility Base
Enemy ships destroyed2354
Enemy stations destroyed79
Friendly ships destroyed11
Profit on goods and materials925135
Profit on luxury goods67258
Profit on medical supplies4667
Profit on ship's equipment74563
Tons of ore mined1
Value of mined resources3900
Game resurrections7
Never bought life insurance
Never destroyed friendly stations
Never used Pilgrims' Aid
damage sustained
diamond lattice armor4619
Taikon-200 deflector1759
advanced ithalium armor3690
Nephren X1 shield generator29743
medium ithalium armor233
plasma shield generator7207
Nephren B700 shield generator10036
P150 Hexphase armor450
Yoroi MX shield generator27905
blast plate1058
class V deflector27122
heavy plasteel armor198
medium mark II Novaya armor283
Cyclotron S55 deflector4461
light plasteel armor1293
class II deflector559
class I deflector62
enemy ships destroyed
Phobos-class dreadnought4
Iocrym sentinel1
Deimos-class destroyer1
Chasm-class heavy gunship5
Cometfall-class missileship8
Polar II-class freighter3
Tundra-class heavy gunship15
EI7000-class chimera6
Lumiere destroyer6
Polar-class freighter1
Ares sentry25
Yamato-class bomber9
Centurion/X-class heavy gunship2
Aurochs-class mine layer1
Kobol gunship4
Excruciator-class destroyer1
Aurochs-class transport1
Omnithor gunship1
Sandstorm-class gunship361
Manticore-class heavy gunship7
Akuma-class heavy gunship4
Luminous drone19
Sotho II-class heavy gunship18
Borer III-class gunship19
TMA-9-class battle auton9
Centurion-class heavy gunship27
Wolfen/C-class gunship3
Anubis-class armed transport5
Sung transport1
Xenophobe fighter2
Steel slaver12
Charon frigate10
Atonement-class heavy gunship6
Ronin/C-class chimera46
Evren-class heavy gunship6
Revelations-class missileship14
heavy IAV1
Ranx gunship14
Anika-class heavy gunship4
Heliotrope frigate2
Raijin-class heavy gunship26
Lumiere battle auton22
Sotho-class heavy gunship9
Viking-class chimera4
Goron monitor1
Barbary-class gunship10
EI500-class freighter4
Meth enforcer14
Repentant-class gunship14
Ronin/C-class gunship1
Oromo II-class heavy gunship2
Cavebear raider12
Lumiere sentinel23
Borer II-class gunship6
Eldritch-class gunship1
Viking II-class gunship70
Zoanthrope raider16
Marauder raid platform1
Drake-class missileship21
Earthzone-class chimera1
Plague-class gunship35
Heliotrope gunship1
Ronin/B-class gunship1
Wind slaver202
Sapphire-class yacht3
200A defender auton1
Demir-class gunship33
Urak sentinel1
Kaiten-class gunship43
T31-class armed transport12
Oromo-class heavy gunship9
TR-200-class defender2
Centauri heavy raider21
Viking-class gunship181
Hornet-class chimera6
Corsair II-class gunship86
Hammerhead II-class gunship10
Ronin/A-class gunship6
Zulu II-class gunship8
EI100-class freighter3
Sirin 3B-class gunship1
Himal interceptor63
Sabertooth raider23
Hornet-class battlepod46
Borer-class gunship25
Earthzone 100-class armed shuttle9
Hammerhead-class gunship20
light IAV5
Corsair-class gunship413
Goron swift5
Zulu-class gunship26
Sirin 3A-class gunship5
TA3-class sentinel13
Centauri raider94
enemy stations destroyed
Cyclops Lab X051
Ares commune2
(APD Space Command base)1
Penitent monastery1
Ranx outpost1
Rogue Fleet cache2
level 6 outlaw mine3
Lumiere stronghold4
Penitent sanctum2
Cyclops Corporation HQ1
level 5 outlaw mine1
Penitent shrine1
container habitat5
Death Drug Cartel outpost2
First Hunters settlement1
Lumiere outpost2
Marauder outpost1
Sapiens compound1
Sung slave camp14
Anarchist settlement1
Charon Pirates stronghold7
Fortress of the Charon Pirates1
level 3 outlaw mine1
outlaw haven1
Sapiens outpost1
Abbasid outpost1
Arco Vaughn's container habitat1
Charon Pirates outpost4
level 2 outlaw mine3
Anarchist habitat1
Centauri warlord camp6
Charon Pirates cache4
Curators outpost1
Systems visited58
Never left Human Space
Corporate Command
Near Stars Expansion
Osaka Playership
The Stars of the Pilgrim Soundtrack
final equipment
Morana archcannon [+20%]
plasma cannon
side-mounted Fusionfire howitzer [+60%]
NAMI heavy launcher
Taikon-200 deflector [+power save]
4 segments of diamond lattice armor [+30%]
Hyperion reactor [+enhanced]
pteracnium megadrive [+enhanced]
lithium booster
Longreach I autocannon
smuggler's cargo hold
final items
222 M5 Nemesis missiles
2 barrels of orthosteel nanos
5 heavy armor repair kits
63 hadron-vacuum fuel cells
64 S3 Medusa missiles
77 M2 Vulcan missiles
gem of fury
2 gems of contrition
advanced analyzer
advanced analyzer
11 pteracnium fuel rods
2 gems of despair
5 medium armor repair kits
Ares Campaign Ribbon
ion power capacitor
Commonwealth Medal of Honor
Scramble1.5 algorithm cube
ShieldEfficiency v1.2.5 algorithm cube
Commonwealth Medal of Distinction
Diarchy letter of marque
engineering analyzer
Heisenmachines quantum CPU
ShieldOverdrive v3.1.8 algorithm cube
UAS Fleet identification chip
Commonwealth military identification chip
Charon base map ROM
black market identification chip
data ROM
data ROM labeled "Heretic research"
friendly ships destroyed
Britannia-class heavy gunship7
Molotok/A-class heavy gunship1
Ferian miner1
Viking-class gunship2
items installed
diamond lattice armor
Morana archcannon
plasma cannon
Taikon-200 deflector
advanced ithalium armor
Dvalin Ion9 cannon
Hyperion reactor
NAMI heavy launcher
Nephren X1 shield generator
omnidirectional ion blaster
pteracnium megadrive
side-mounted Fusionfire howitzer
Koshiba-500 reactor
lithium booster
medium ithalium armor
plasma shield generator
Rasiermesser launcher
TM7 multitarget cannon
Katana star cannon
Longreach I autocannon
Nephren B700 shield generator
P150 Hexphase armor
SN2500 reactor
Tesla enhancer
Yoroi MX shield generator
150NX reactor
Akan 600 turret
blast plate
mark I howitzer turret
SAR/10 cannon
Titan 440 fusion drive
Akan 30 cannon
class V deflector
heavy plasteel armor
Heisenmachines quantum CPU
medium mark II Novaya armor
Nova-100 reactor
particle accelerator
particle beam turret
ICX missile defense turret
MAG launcher
Nova-50 reactor
omnidirectional turbolaser cannon
Penitent cannon
RK15 Partisan turret
smuggler's cargo hold
Cyclotron S55 deflector
heavy CLAW cannon
light plasteel armor
NAMI missile launcher
Nova-25 reactor
Rasiermesser SmartCannon
cannon accelerator
class II deflector
dual laser cannon
class I deflector
Nova-10 reactor
missions & activities
Agricultural colony missions1
Commonwealth habitat missions6
Commonwealth militia missions15
Corporate privateer missions35 (1 failed)
CSC missions19
Gladiator fights14
Korolov shipping missions8 (3 failed)
Mining colony missions12
Money donated to Sisters of Domina5,600 credits
Money earned on missions856,144 credits
Psionics offered to Domina47
Slaves freed135
Value of supplies donated to Commonwealth Fleet1000
ore mined
ithalium ore1
powers invoked
ships used
Wolfen/C-class gunship
Atonement-class heavy gunship
Centurion/X-class heavy gunship
weapons fired
Morana archcannon226
plasma cannon2
Dvalin Ion9 cannon352
Gotha-400 seeker203
M2 Vulcan missile18
NAMI heavy launcher110
omnidirectional ion blaster639
S3 Medusa missile92
side-mounted Fusionfire howitzer60
Gotha-10 missile141
Rasiermesser launcher344
TM7 multitarget cannon830
Katana star cannon1833
Akan 600 turret1244
mark I howitzer turret357
SAR/10 cannon2837
Akan 30 cannon248
KM170 Maul missile94
particle beam turret9915
KM550 Broadsword missile278
Longreach I autocannon2225
MAG launcher23
omnidirectional turbolaser cannon374
Penitent cannon68
PX3 hexagene MAG23
RK15 Partisan turret336
heavy CLAW cannon623
KM110 Starburst missile148
KM120 Brute missile116
KM500 Stiletto missile377
NAMI missile launcher1036
Rasiermesser SmartCannon739
dual laser cannon1191
KM100 Longbow missile23
laser cannon1749