AdventureDomina & Oracus I: The Stars of the Pilgrim
Black Market rankEnforcer
Commonwealth Fleet rankFleet commander
Commonwealth militia rankColonel
Domina relationshipCurate
FateLeft Human Space on a journey to the Galactic Core
GenomeHuman female
Korolov rankLegend
Money (credits)327500
Money (rin)120629
Ship classSapphire-class yacht
Time played13 hours and 11 minutes
achievements & regrets
Allowed Volkov to find his wife
Became Legendary Hero of the Arena
Cleared the Charon system for Korolov Shipping
Defended Point Juno
Found and delivered Professor Dall's alien sphere
Invited by the Huari to visit Huaramarca
Joined by Jenna
Joined by Rama
Liberated Raisu station
Rescued Mr. Katami from the Black Market
Rescued Project Lamplighter scientists
Enemy ships destroyed2178
Enemy stations destroyed113
Friendly ships destroyed7
Profit on arms1153612
Profit on goods and materials148810
Profit on illegal items33040
Profit on medical supplies11781
Game resurrections1
Never backtracked
Never destroyed friendly stations
Never invoked powers of Domina
enemy ships destroyed
Iocrym command ship1
Phobos-class dreadnought8
Iocrym sentinel8
Gaian processor3
Deimos-class destroyer15
Chasm-class heavy gunship31
Cometfall-class missileship10
Ventari destroyer2
Polar II-class freighter5
The Slicer1
Tundra-class heavy gunship39
Ranx dreadnought10
Centurion/X-class heavy gunship9
Tripoli-class destroyer1
Polar-class freighter15
Luminous drone85
Xenophobe defender5
Earth Slaver4
Zoanthrope behemoth3
Kobol gunship4
Sandstorm-class gunship276
Ares sentry29
Dwarg master13
Huygens Explorer1
Urak destroyer9
Centurion-class heavy gunship37
pirate ship Kronosaurus1
Atonement-class heavy gunship7
Wolfen-class gunship1
Charon frigate6
Steel slaver24
Ranx gunship263
Barbary-class gunship6
Sung transport5
Scarab-class superfreighter1
Xenophobe fighter130
Drake-class missileship18
Repentant-class gunship8
Sapphire-class yacht3
Heliotrope destroyer2
Meth enforcer5
Marauder raid platform2
Ronin/C-class gunship2
Viking II-class gunship58
Zoanthrope raider137
Wind slaver201
Heliotrope gunship15
Revelations-class missileship2
heavy IAV1
Plague-class gunship11
Sotho-class gunship4
EI500-class freighter3
Hammerhead II-class gunship30
Arco Vaughn1
Ronin/B-class gunship3
Urak sentinel27
T31-class armed transport8
Corsair II-class gunship68
Oromo-class gunship6
EI100-class freighter4
Viking-class gunship115
Centauri heavy raider1
Borer II-class gunship27
Ronin/A-class gunship8
Earthzone-class armed shuttle4
Zulu II-class gunship8
Himal interceptor1
Zulu-class gunship15
Hornet-class battlepod26
Hammerhead-class gunship13
light IAV2
Borer-class gunship25
Corsair-class gunship178
Tenhove-class sentinel9
Centauri raider59
enemy stations destroyed
Ares commune2
Ares shipyard3
Kobol Warlords camp1
Ranx fortress1
Rogue Fleet settlement4
Ares outpost2
Penitent sanctum1
Ranx outpost2
Rogue Fleet cache4
Ventari colony1
Dwarg fortress3
outlaw pteracnium mine2
Sung citadel4
Sung fortress8
Heliotrope colony2
Marauder stronghold1
outlaw duranium mine1
Penitent shrine5
Death Drug Cartel outpost2
Marauder outpost1
outlaw ceralloy mine1
Sung slave camp6
Anarchist settlement2
Charon Pirates stronghold9
Fortress of the Charon Pirates1
Heliotrope outpost2
outlaw haven1
outlaw palladium mine3
Sapiens camp3
Urak mine2
Abbasid outpost3
Centauri Warlords stronghold1
Charon Pirates outpost3
Himal refuge1
outlaw base1
outlaw titanium mine4
Anarchist camp1
Centauri Warlords camp8
Charon Pirates cache3
Arco Vaughn's container habitat1
Dwarg colony7
Systems visited26
Never reached the Galactic Core
final equipment
Ares plasma archcannon
enhanced omnidirectional ion blaster [+150%]
enhanced R9 deflector [+150%]
segment of light Iocrym armor
2 enhanced segments of octocarbide armor [+50%]
enhanced segment of diamond lattice armor [+Thermo]
Hyperion reactor
enhanced Titan 440 fusion drive [+Enhanced]
2 patch spiders
Heisenmachines quantum CPU
final items
damaged Iocrym cocoon
segment of heavy Iocrym armor
2 Ares Campaign Ribbons
2 gems of despair
33 pteracnium fuel rods
4 molbidium field crystals
ion power capacitor
Neuros personal media player
12 longzhu spheres
3 patch spiders
37 kilos of dried Europan ice moss
Commonwealth Medal of Honor
Commonwealth Medal of Distinction
Commonwealth military identification chip
2 black market identification chips
data ROM
data ROM
friendly ships destroyed
Sandstorm-class gunship1
Molotok bounty hunter1
Centurion-class heavy gunship2
Ferian miner2
330M mule auton1
items installed
light Iocrym armor
Ares plasma archcannon
diamond lattice armor
octocarbide armor
Hyperion reactor
ithalium armor
omnidirectional ion blaster
Fusionfire howitzer
R9 deflector
V300 powered armor
advanced ceralloy armor
Cydonian heavy shield generator
Mammoth 50MW deflector
SN2500 reactor
Akan 600 turret
blast plate
Invincible-class deflector
mark III howitzer
patch spider
plasma torch
Titan 440 fusion drive
Akan 30 cannon
ceralloy armor
heavy meteorsteel
Heisenmachines quantum CPU
metal-cased device
Nova-100 reactor
Shuriken neutron blaster
Yoroi S100 shield generator
particle accelerator
plasteel armor
polyceramic armor
RK15 Partisan turret
smuggler's cargo hold
miners's cargo hold
NAMI missile launcher
turbolaser cannon
cannon accelerator
heavy titanium armor
mining laser
reactive armor
class I deflector
laser collimator
light ceramic armor
light reactive armor
light titanium armor
recoilless cannon
missions & activities
Commonwealth habitat missions2
Commonwealth militia missions6
CSC missions7
Korolov escort missions7
Mining colony missions2
Money earned on missions4500
Psionics offered to Domina6
Slaves freed30
Slaves offered to Domina4
Value of supplies donated to Commonwealth Fleet10084
weapons fired
Ares plasma archcannon213
omnidirectional ion blaster13499
Fusionfire howitzer582
Akan 600 turret151
mark III howitzer1777
plasma torch987
Akan 30 cannon1
KM500 Stiletto missile16
RK15 Partisan turret10061
NAMI missile launcher158
turbolaser cannon1101
KM100 Longbow missile142
mining laser1084
recoilless cannon696