AdventureDomina & Oracus I: The Stars of the Pilgrim
Commonwealth Fleet rankFleet captain
Commonwealth militia rankMajor
DifficultyStory Mode
Domina relationshipAdept
FateLeft Human Space on a journey to the Galactic Core
GenderHuman male
Korolov rankApprentice
Money (credits)1923064
Money (euros)318818
Money (rin)98872
Money (yuan)166288
Ship classEI200-class freighter
Time played1 day and 1 hour
achievements & regrets
Became a gladiator in the Arena
Defended Fiona's freighter from Penitents
Defended Korolov Shipping in the Charon system
Defended Point Juno
Defended Raisu Station from Centauri warlord attack
Delivered arms to Asian Pacific Directorate
Destroyed Benedict's autons in 6 minutes and 16 seconds
Destroyed Centauri settlement in Eridani
Destroyed the Fortress in the Charon system
Escorted North Atlantic Union SIGINT vessel
Failed to chased off the Nagato Explorer
Found and delivered Professor Dall's alien sphere
Intercepted strike force heading for the Nagato Explorer
Killed Arco Vaughn in Eridani
Made contact with Stormhound
Recovered Project Lamplighter prototype
Rescued Project Lamplighter scientists
Scanned the Nagato Explorer
Visited Tranquility Base
Enemy ships destroyed4007
Enemy stations destroyed506
Friendly ships destroyed33
Profit on arms1260768
Profit on goods and materials1609757
Profit on luxury goods252844
Profit on medical supplies42739
Game resurrections3
Never bought life insurance
Never destroyed friendly stations
Never invoked powers of Domina
Never used Pilgrims' Aid
damage sustained
advanced ithalium armor581
Kaidun shield generator11392
carbide carapace20
Mammoth 100MW deflector5609
plasma shield generator418
R9 deflector3999
Taikon-10 deflector3971
advanced ceralloy armor24
Nephren B700 shield generator2117
Ceratops 5T quasi-armor1160
Mammoth 25MW deflector2760
R5 deflector1171
V70 powered armor2
medium solar armor101
Nephren P25 shield generator501
advanced reactive armor9
monopole deflector screen266
class I deflector71
enemy ships destroyed
Iocrym command ship1
Xenophobe ark1
Luminous hunter-killer11
Phobos-class dreadnought8
Iocrym sentinel29
Xenophobe worldship2
Gaian processor2
Dreaming nomad13
Deimos-class destroyer16
Chasm-class heavy gunship19
Cometfall-class missileship6
Ventari destroyer14
Revenant-class destroyer2
Tundra-class heavy gunship65
Ranx dreadnought3
Ares advanced sentry24
Ares dual sentry55
Kobol gunship32
Manticore-class heavy gunship7
Polar-class freighter15
Ares sentry64
Yamato-class bomber1
Centurion/X-class heavy gunship4
Hurin-class destroyer9
Aurochs-class mine layer2
Tripoli-class destroyer2
Zoanthrope behemoth5
Earth Slaver22
Xenophobe defender19
Sandstorm-class gunship540
Dwarg master22
Akuma-class heavy gunship3
Luminous drone174
Wraith-class heavy gunship6
Dreaming raider245
Molotok/B-class heavy gunship24
Urak destroyer3
heavy IAV10
Sotho II-class heavy gunship8
Borer III-class gunship10
TMA-9-class battle auton9
Centurion-class heavy gunship23
Goron behemoth2
Xenophobe fighter139
Steel slaver76
Charon frigate1
Atonement-class heavy gunship20
Molotok/A-class heavy gunship12
Evren-class heavy gunship8
Revelations-class missileship24
Ranx gunship78
Heliotrope frigate23
Raijin-class heavy gunship6
Sotho-class heavy gunship1
Goron monitor4
T55-class armed transport10
Barbary-class gunship20
Meth enforcer45
Repentant-class gunship42
Ronin/C-class gunship28
Oromo II-class heavy gunship21
Cavebear raider10
Borer II-class gunship19
Eldritch-class gunship48
Viking II-class gunship67
EI500-class freighter4
Zoanthrope raider261
Marauder raid platform4
Drake-class missileship20
Plague-class gunship24
medium IAV20
Heliotrope gunship22
Wind slaver403
Demir-class gunship22
Urak sentinel89
Earthzone 1200-class gunship7
Kaiten-class gunship18
T31-class armed transport16
light IAV22
Oromo-class heavy gunship32
TR-200-class defender38
Centauri heavy raider11
Viking-class gunship101
Ronin/B-class gunship24
Sapphire-class yacht1
Corsair II-class gunship99
Hammerhead II-class gunship7
Ronin/A-class gunship7
Zulu II-class gunship17
EI100-class freighter10
Himal interceptor38
Sabertooth raider12
Earthzone 100-class armed shuttle4
Hornet-class battlepod42
Borer-class gunship29
Hammerhead-class gunship25
Corsair-class gunship180
Goron swift24
Zulu-class gunship26
TA3-class sentinel15
Centauri raider99
enemy stations destroyed
pteravore lair3
Ares commune15
Ares shipyard7
Dreaming Nexus6
Kobol warlord outpost1
Luminous Assembler13
Luminous Sentinel47
Ranx fortress3
Ares outpost8
Penitent monastery1
Ranx outpost2
Resurrector sanctum1
Rogue Fleet cache2
Sung citadel20
Ventari colony4
Black Market shipyard6
Dwarg fortress7
Huari fortress5
level 6 outlaw mine4
Penitent sanctum10
Sung fortress26
Dwarg colony15
Heliotrope colony8
level 5 outlaw mine4
Luminous Extractor72
Marauder stronghold5
Penitent shrine7
Resurrector outpost9
Black Market station3
Death Drug Cartel outpost14
First Hunters settlement2
level 4 outlaw mine2
Marauder compound5
Marauder outpost2
Sapiens compound10
Sung slave camp18
Urak fortress3
Anarchist settlement1
Centauri warlord settlement9
Charon Pirates stronghold12
Fortress of the Charon Pirates1
Goron lair4
Heliotrope outpost2
level 3 outlaw mine3
outlaw haven8
Sapiens outpost4
tempus lab6
Urak mine6
Abbasid outpost15
Anarchist gathering5
Arco Vaughn's container habitat1
Centauri warlord stronghold4
Charon Pirates outpost7
level 2 outlaw mine4
outlaw base3
Urak outpost11
Centauri warlord camp9
Charon Pirates cache14
Himal refuge4
outlaw camp2
Systems visited41
Left Human Space
Near Stars Expansion
final equipment
omnidirectional ion blaster [+30%]
NAMI heavy launcher
Kaidun shield generator [+20%]
6 segments of advanced ithalium armor
Hyperion reactor
pteracnium megadrive [+enhanced]
2 patch spiders
Heisenmachines quantum CPU
2 ICX missile defense turrets
trader's cargo hold
final items
493 Quantumsphere shells
segment of massive Iocrym armor
5 segments of light Iocrym armor
1002 M5 Nemesis missiles
182 hadron-vacuum fuel cells
929 S3 Medusa missiles
Iocrym veil
SAR/200 advanced cannon
2 advanced analyzers
4 crates of cryofrozen prime beef
advanced analyzer
advanced analyzer
advanced analyzer
advanced analyzer
595 pteracnium fuel rods
24 longzhu spheres
Commonwealth Medal of Honor
patch spider
122 xenotite fuel rods
2 Commonwealth Medals of Distinction
2 segments of Sung armor
2567 Akan 30 cannon shell cartridges
28 tons of pteracnium ore
Diarchy letter of marque
engineering analyzer
green etherium field crystal
TX3 explorer auton
UAS Fleet identification chip
Commonwealth military identification chip
friendly ships destroyed
Manticore-class heavy gunship2
Centurion/M-class heavy gunship1
Sandstorm-class gunship3
Molotok/B-class heavy gunship1
heavy IAV1
1M/i battle auton1
Scarab-class superfreighter1
300D defender auton3
EI500-class freighter1
Zoanthrope raider14
Wind slaver1
Borer-class gunship1
items installed
advanced ithalium armor
hexacarbide armor
Hyperion reactor
Kaidun shield generator
NAMI heavy launcher
omnidirectional ion blaster
pteracnium megadrive
Ares lightning turret
carbide carapace
Koshiba-500 reactor
Mammoth 100MW deflector
medium ithalium armor
omnidirectional thermo cannon
orthosteel armor
plasma shield generator
R9 deflector
Rasiermesser launcher
Taikon-10 deflector
advanced ceralloy armor
heavy blast plate
inertialess drive
Nephren B700 shield generator
SN2500 reactor
super-heavy blast plate
Ceratops 5T quasi-armor
heavy ceralloy armor
Mammoth 25MW deflector
patch spider
R5 deflector
Titan 440 fusion drive
V70 powered armor
hardened plasteel armor
heavy plasteel armor
Heisenmachines quantum CPU
Makayev launcher
medium solar armor
Nephren P25 shield generator
Nova-100 reactor
particle accelerator
particle beam turret
advanced reactive armor
class III deflector
ICX missile defense turret
MAG launcher
Nova-50 reactor
omnidirectional turbolaser cannon
Penitent cannon
light plasteel armor
monopole deflector screen
NAMI missile launcher
Nova-25 reactor
Rasiermesser SmartCannon
solar panel array
tritium propulsion upgrade
laser collimator
omnidirectional laser cannon
trader's cargo hold
class I deflector
missions & activities
Agricultural colony missions1
Commonwealth habitat missions1
Commonwealth militia missions12
CSC missions20 (2 failed)
Mining colony missions2
Money donated to Sisters of Domina100 credits
Money earned on missions189,570 credits
Psionics offered to Domina2
ships used
EI500-class freighter
EI200-class freighter
Atonement-class heavy gunship
weapons fired
M5 Nemesis missile140
Gotha-400 seeker85
NAMI heavy launcher626
omnidirectional ion blaster2147
S3 Medusa missile486
Ares lightning turret465
Gotha-10 missile113
omnidirectional thermo cannon1151
Rasiermesser launcher198
Red Strelka missile762
Green Strelka missile1091
Makayev launcher1853
particle beam turret10385
Penitent cannon5
KM500 Stiletto missile30
NAMI missile launcher30
Rasiermesser SmartCannon1567
omnidirectional laser cannon482
laser cannon8733