AdventureDomina & Oracus I: The Stars of the Pilgrim
Black Market rankSindikat Member
Commonwealth militia rankCaptain
Corporate privateer rankPrincipal Agent
Domina relationshipCurate
FateDestroyed by an Ares advanced sentry in the HD 11901 System
GenderHuman male
Money (credits)353902
Money (euros)19754
Money (rin)14371
Money (yuan)111270
Ship classManticore-class heavy gunship
Time played6 hours and 43 minutes
achievements & regrets
Defended Fiona's freighter from Penitents
Destroyed the Silla anomaly
Discovered the Tau Ceti anomaly
Earned the right to challenge The Slicer in the Arena
Found and delivered Professor Dall's alien sphere
Rescued Mr. Katami from the Black Market
Scanned the Nagato Explorer
Enemy ships destroyed1473
Enemy stations destroyed158
Friendly ships destroyed2
Profit on goods and materials469041
Profit on illegal items99369
Profit on luxury goods27968
Profit on medical supplies19610
Profit on slave sales18000
Honored permadeath
Never bought life insurance
Never destroyed friendly stations
Never used Pilgrims' Aid
damage sustained
heavy mark V Novaya armor10357
super-heavy mark III Novaya armor9367
heavy mark II Novaya armor12425
medium mark I Novaya armor2183
enemy ships destroyed
Xenophobe worldship1
Scorpion-class gunship2
Gaian processor2
Dreaming nomad1
Ventari destroyer4
Manticore-class heavy gunship4
Polar-class freighter1
Centurion/X-class heavy gunship2
Naga-class gunship2
Zoanthrope behemoth7
Earth Slaver5
Kobol gunship2
Xenophobe defender3
Aurochs-class transport1
Sandstorm-class gunship33
Dwarg master2
Luminous drone5
Wraith-class heavy gunship2
Troglav-class frigate2
Urak destroyer1
Centurion-class heavy gunship5
Wolfen/C-class gunship3
Anubis-class armed transport4
EI500-class freighter1
Xenophobe fighter9
Steel slaver8
Charon frigate2
Drake-class chimera1
Atonement-class heavy gunship7
Revelations-class missileship5
heavy IAV1
Ranx gunship11
Anika-class heavy gunship8
Heliotrope frigate7
Lumiere battle auton17
Sotho-class heavy gunship1
Viking-class chimera3
T55-class armed transport5
Earthzone 5000-class missileship1
Meth enforcer8
Repentant-class gunship13
Ronin/C-class gunship12
Oromo II-class heavy gunship4
Lumiere sentinel17
Borer II-class gunship1
Viking II-class gunship8
Zoanthrope raider188
Drake-class missileship4
Plague-class gunship20
Heliotrope gunship30
Wind slaver61
200A defender auton1
Sapphire-class yacht5
Likho-class heavy gunship12
Urak sentinel67
Earthzone 1200-class gunship20
T31-class armed transport6
Oromo-class heavy gunship9
TR-200-class defender6
Centauri heavy raider5
Viking-class gunship54
Ronin/B-class gunship23
Hornet-class chimera6
Corsair II-class gunship31
Hammerhead II-class gunship9
Ronin/A-class gunship5
Zulu II-class gunship8
Sirin 3B-class gunship5
Himal interceptor58
medium IAV3
EI100-class freighter6
Hornet-class battlepod316
Borer-class gunship21
Earthzone 100-class armed shuttle28
Hammerhead-class gunship3
Corsair-class gunship108
Zulu-class gunship12
Sirin 3A-class gunship4
TA3-class sentinel13
Centauri raider82
enemy stations destroyed
Rogue Fleet settlement1
Ares outpost2
Penitent monastery1
Ranx outpost1
Ventari colony2
Penitent sanctum1
Sung fortress3
Curators stronghold1
Dwarg colony6
Heliotrope colony3
Penitent shrine7
container habitat3
Death Drug Cartel outpost3
level 4 outlaw mine2
Lumiere outpost10
Marauder outpost1
Sapiens compound3
Sung slave camp2
Urak fortress2
Anarchist settlement8
Charon Pirates stronghold6
Curators vault2
Heliotrope outpost3
level 3 outlaw mine3
outlaw haven3
Sapiens outpost3
Urak mine7
Abbasid outpost5
Anarchist gathering15
Centauri warlord stronghold1
Charon Pirates outpost6
level 2 outlaw mine2
Urak outpost7
Anarchist habitat7
Centauri warlord camp8
Charon Pirates cache8
Curators outpost2
Himal refuge7
outlaw camp1
Systems visited31
Never reached Heretic
Never left Human Space
Corporate Command
Near Stars Expansion
The Stars of the Pilgrim Soundtrack
final equipment
advanced tritium cannon [+50%]
Hecates cannon [+fast +50%]
Rasiermesser launcher [+20%]
Novaya armor repairer [+10%]
3 segments of heavy mark V Novaya armor
3 segments of heavy mark V Novaya armor [+50%]
Koshiba-500 reactor
lithium booster
high-speed howitzer loader
smuggler's cargo hold
final items
15 hadron-vacuum fuel cells
167 Gotha-400 seekers
Gaian demolition cannon
segment of heavy orthosteel armor
4 segments of quadrocarbide armor
449 Ares micronukes
5 tritium injectors
50 Gotha-10 missiles
82 TM7 warheads
omnidirectional tritium cannon [+20%]
168 pteracnium fuel rods
4 gems of despair
96 thermo cannon shell cartridges
thermo cannon
4 barrels of ion resistance coating
4 longzhu spheres
2 grams of unlicensed cancer dust
Commonwealth Medal of Distinction
Diarchy letter of marque
engineering analyzer
15 helium³ reactor assemblies
Commonwealth military identification chip
Hiro's shield optimizer
2 black market identification chips
43 cases of Martian nori
friendly ships destroyed
heavy IAV1
Molotok/A-class heavy gunship1
items installed
advanced tritium cannon
heavy mark V Novaya armor
Hecates cannon
Koshiba-500 reactor
lithium booster
omnidirectional tritium cannon
Rasiermesser launcher
mark V howitzer
omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster
SN2500 reactor
super-heavy mark III Novaya armor
Dwarg behemoth cannon
high-speed howitzer loader
Orkan launcher
heavy mark II Novaya armor
Makayev weapon enhancer
Nova-100 reactor
particle accelerator
particle beam turret
chimeric seeker cannon
MAG launcher
omnidirectional turbolaser cannon
smuggler's cargo hold
Sova-10 particle turret
medium mark I Novaya armor
Nova-25 reactor
Novaya armor repairer
Burak missile launcher
heavy recoilless cannon
laser collimator
Nova-15 reactor
missions & activities
Commonwealth militia missions7
Corporate privateer missions20
Gladiator fights10
Money donated to Sisters of Domina1 credit
Money earned on missions295,800 credits
Psionics offered to Domina19
powers invoked
Nebular Sight4
ships used
Manticore-class heavy gunship
weapons fired
advanced tritium cannon81
Gotha-400 seeker159
Hecates cannon45
omnidirectional tritium cannon872
Rasiermesser launcher159
mark V howitzer1448
omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster1360
Orkan 255 missile100
Dwarg behemoth cannon385
Orkan launcher100
ZG24 cluster MAG93
800F hexagene MAG62
particle beam turret6025
600 hexagene MAG310
chimeric seeker cannon88
MAG launcher638
omnidirectional turbolaser cannon3621
Sova-10 particle turret456
400 hexagene MAG173
Burak missile launcher20
Burak200 missile20
heavy recoilless cannon274