AdventureDomina & Oracus I: The Stars of the Pilgrim
Black Market rankCivilian
Commonwealth Fleet rankFleet captain
Commonwealth militia rankMajor
Corporate privateer rankPrincipal Agent
Domina relationshipCanon
FateLeft Human Space on a journey to the Galactic Core
GenderHuman male
Korolov rankLegend
Money (credits)2383436
Money (euros)17331
Money (rin)437654
Money (yuan)391936
Ship classMinotaur-class corvette
Time played1 day and 2 hours
achievements & regrets
Allowed Rama to meet his destiny
Defeated the Kronosaurus
Defended Fiona's freighter from Penitents
Defended Korolov Shipping in the Charon system
Defended Point Juno
Defended the CSC Antarctica
Delivered arms to Eurasian Diarchy
Delivered one-time pad to Strawman
Destroyed Cyclops Lab X05
Destroyed the Fortress in the Charon system
Destroyed the Silla anomaly
Discovered the Tau Ceti anomaly
Escorted North Atlantic Union SIGINT vessel
Extracted data about project Grey Wolf
Found and delivered Professor Dall's alien sphere
Helped Strawman to return safely
Lost Volkov
Made contact with Stormhound
Obtained data ROM for Strawman
Raided Cyclops Corporation headquarters
Recovered Project Lamplighter prototype
Rescued Project Lamplighter scientists
Saved all shipyards in the Gunsan Complex
Visited Tranquility Base
Enemy ships destroyed3074
Enemy stations destroyed185
Friendly ships destroyed37
Profit on arms2903948
Profit on goods and materials1731465
Profit on illegal items11955
Profit on luxury goods175564
Profit on medical supplies36245
Stock market losses3
Tons of ore mined430
Value of mined resources340290
Game resurrections3
Never bought life insurance
Never destroyed friendly stations
Never used Pilgrims' Aid
criminal record
Declared an enemy combatant by the Eurasian Diarchy.
Fined 13,000 credits by the North Atlantic Union
Wanted by the Eurasian Diarchy for the destruction of Mancinik Zamok
damage sustained
light Iocrym armor476
Dvalin armor3821
Iocrym veil41
ion reflector26182
nanoforged orthosteel armor10988
R5 deflector24486
ceralloy armor365
heavy plasteel armor217
light blast plate48
Nephren P25 shield generator5294
Yoroi S100 shield generator6126
medium mark I Novaya armor2692
enemy ships destroyed
Iocrym command ship1
Phobos-class dreadnought6
Iocrym sentinel33
Huygens-class explorer1
Alexei Leonov-class cruiser1
Xenophobe worldship2
Aquila-class cruiser1
Scorpion-class gunship3
Gaian processor1
Dreaming nomad3
Deimos-class destroyer1
Chasm-class heavy gunship4
Cometfall-class missileship6
Omnithor hunter-killer3
Ventari destroyer3
Imperator-class destroyer4
Revenant-class destroyer1
Tundra-class heavy gunship37
Ranx dreadnought1
EI7000-class chimera4
Ares dual sentry6
Manticore-class heavy gunship2
Polar-class freighter12
Omnithor heavy gunship13
Ares sentry26
Centurion/X-class heavy gunship4
Naga-class gunship6
Hurin-class destroyer1
Zoanthrope behemoth15
Earth Slaver7
Kobol gunship25
Excruciator-class destroyer1
Xenophobe defender2
Omnithor gunship10
Aurochs-class transport3
Sandstorm-class gunship392
Dwarg master2
Akuma-class heavy gunship1
Luminous drone57
Wraith-class heavy gunship8
Dreaming raider5
Troglav-class frigate1
Urak destroyer2
Sotho II-class heavy gunship2
Borer III-class gunship5
TMA-9-class battle auton3
Centurion-class heavy gunship19
Goron behemoth1
Anubis-class armed transport1
Mammoth frigate1
Xenophobe fighter4
Steel slaver26
Charon frigate7
Atonement-class heavy gunship5
Ronin/C-class chimera53
Evren-class heavy gunship31
1M battle auton4
Ranx gunship20
Heliotrope frigate9
Raijin-class heavy gunship4
Lumiere battle auton9
Sotho-class heavy gunship4
Viking-class chimera6
T55-class armed transport10
Barbary-class gunship6
Earthzone 5000-class missileship3
Meth enforcer39
Repentant-class gunship26
Ronin/C-class gunship16
Antares V-class freighter1
Oromo II-class heavy gunship9
Cavebear raider20
Lumiere sentinel7
Borer II-class gunship19
Eldritch-class gunship27
Viking II-class gunship70
EI500-class freighter2
Zoanthrope raider366
Marauder raid platform6
Drake-class missileship17
Earthzone-class chimera1
Plague-class gunship15
medium IAV2
Heliotrope gunship19
Wind slaver232
200A defender auton1
Demir-class gunship27
Likho-class heavy gunship9
Urak sentinel66
Earthzone 1200-class gunship16
Kaiten-class gunship34
T31-class armed transport10
Oromo-class heavy gunship30
TR-200-class defender48
Centauri heavy raider14
Viking-class gunship93
Ronin/B-class gunship34
Hornet-class chimera3
Corsair II-class gunship83
EI200-class freighter1
Zulu II-class gunship14
Sirin 3B-class gunship6
Himal interceptor44
Sabertooth raider78
Hornet-class battlepod258
Borer-class gunship13
Earthzone 100-class armed shuttle11
Hammerhead-class gunship7
Corsair-class gunship234
Goron soldier9
Goron swift11
Zulu-class gunship19
Sirin 3A-class gunship8
Centauri raider49
enemy stations destroyed
pteravore lair5
Cyclops Lab X051
Ares commune4
Omnithor settlement1
Kobol warlord outpost1
Resurrector cathedral1
Rogue Fleet settlement2
(ED research lab)1
(ED settlement)1
Ares outpost6
Penitent monastery1
Sung citadel3
Ventari colony1
level 6 outlaw mine3
Penitent sanctum2
Sung fortress9
(ED zamok)1
Cyclops Corporation HQ1
Heliotrope colony3
level 5 outlaw mine3
Penitent shrine3
Resurrector outpost4
container habitat6
Death Drug Cartel outpost9
level 4 outlaw mine2
Lumiere outpost4
Marauder outpost4
Sung slave camp5
Urak fortress1
Anarchist settlement7
Charon Pirates stronghold8
Fortress of the Charon Pirates1
Heliotrope outpost1
level 3 outlaw mine4
outlaw haven6
Sapiens outpost3
Urak mine4
Abbasid outpost7
Anarchist gathering11
Centauri warlord stronghold2
Charon Pirates outpost11
First Hunters outpost1
level 2 outlaw mine1
outlaw base4
Urak outpost5
Anarchist habitat2
Centauri warlord camp1
Charon Pirates cache10
Curators outpost1
Himal refuge5
outlaw camp2
Systems visited54
Left Human Space
Corporate Command
Near Stars Expansion
Osaka Playership
The Stars of the Pilgrim Soundtrack
final equipment
Ares positron cannon [+20%]
omnidirectional thermo cannon [+20%]
NAMI heavy launcher
ion reflector [+30%]
6 segments of light Iocrym armor
Hyperion reactor
Titan 440 fusion drive [+enhanced]
thermo shell nanofac
Longreach I autocannon
trader's cargo hold
final items
gem of sacrifice
4 M5 Nemesis missiles
positron lancer [+20%]
133 M2 Vulcan missiles
168 S3 Medusa missiles
211 hadron-vacuum fuel cells
2 gems of contrition
advanced analyzer
105 pteracnium fuel rods
2 Ares Campaign Ribbons
3 longzhu spheres
Commonwealth Medal of Honor
patch spider
Commonwealth Medal of Distinction
Interstellar Miners Union identification chip
Space Command identification chip
UAS Fleet identification chip
Commonwealth military identification chip
black market identification chip
friendly ships destroyed
Imperator-class destroyer2
Manticore-class heavy gunship1
Britannia-class heavy gunship5
Centurion/M-class heavy gunship1
Sandstorm-class gunship2
heavy IAV1
Molotok/A-class heavy gunship1
Evren-class heavy gunship7
Ronin/C-class gunship1
Antares V-class freighter1
Asterion-class heavy gunship1
Ferian miner1
EI500-class freighter1
Zoanthrope raider10
medium IAV1
items installed
light Iocrym armor
positron lancer
Ares positron cannon
Dvalin armor
Hyperion reactor
Iocrym veil
NAMI heavy launcher
ion reflector
Koshiba-500 reactor
nanoforged orthosteel armor
omnidirectional thermo cannon
thermo shell nanofac
IO25 Taran cannon
Longreach I autocannon
mark V howitzer
omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster
SN2500 reactor
super-heavy blast plate
Akan 600 turret
blast plate
patch spider
R5 deflector
Titan 440 fusion drive
ceralloy armor
heavy plasteel armor
light blast plate
MRAD experiment
Nephren P25 shield generator
Nova-100 reactor
Rasiermesser weapon enhancer
Sabel 90 particle cannon
Yoroi S100 shield generator
ICX missile defense turret
particle beam weapon
patcher arm
proton drill
Archura launcher
magma cutter
medium mark I Novaya armor
miner's cargo hold
NAMI missile launcher
Nova-25 reactor
Novaya armor repairer
Rasiermesser SmartCannon
tritium propulsion upgrade
Burak missile launcher
heavy recoilless cannon
Nova-15 reactor
trader's cargo hold
missions & activities
Agricultural colony missions1
Commonwealth habitat missions1
Commonwealth militia missions6
Corporate privateer missions36 (1 failed)
CSC missions20 (1 failed)
Korolov shipping missions7
Money donated to Sisters of Domina5,000 credits
Money earned on missions900,670 credits
Psionics offered to Domina51
Slaves freed6
Value of supplies donated to Commonwealth Fleet6812
ore mined
iridium ore18
orthosteel ore57
platinum ore31
pteracnium ore17
cerallox ore3
gold ore29
xenotite ore15
cobalt-thorium ore84
niobium ore1
palladium ore17
uranium ore111
titanium ore47
powers invoked
Nebular Sight1
Data Extraction Hack1
ships used
Manticore-class heavy gunship
Helgoland A110-class transport
Minotaur-class corvette
weapons fired
M5 Nemesis missile1
positron lancer258
Ares positron cannon3
NAMI heavy launcher2
S3 Medusa missile1
omnidirectional thermo cannon5350
IO25 Taran cannon1841
mark V howitzer435
omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster7237
S700 Uragan bolt297
Akan 600 turret2457
J55 Valun bolt141
A30 Viyuga bolt255
Sabel 90 particle cannon1813
Longreach I autocannon4404
particle beam weapon1668
proton drill2708
A4 Grom bolt1079
Archura launcher1772
KM110 Starburst missile106
KM120 Brute missile58
KM500 Stiletto missile117
magma cutter1499
NAMI missile launcher518
Rasiermesser SmartCannon749
Burak missile launcher56
Burak200 missile56
heavy recoilless cannon1378
KM100 Longbow missile237
laser cannon1347