AdventureDomina & Oracus I: The Stars of the Pilgrim
Commonwealth Fleet rankFleet captain
Commonwealth militia rankMajor
Corporate privateer rankPrincipal Agent
Domina relationshipPatriarch
FateLeft Human Space on a journey to the Galactic Core
GenderHuman male
Insured byClavius Insurance Conglomerate
Korolov rankLegend
Money (credits)465126
Money (euros)743
Money (rin)99535
Money (yuan)55854
Ship classSapphire-class yacht
Time played16 hours and 38 minutes
Version1.9 Beta 3
achievements & regrets
Allowed Rama to meet his destiny
Avenged destruction of Oort Station
Became Legendary Hero of the Arena
Befriended the Huari
Defeated the Kronosaurus
Defended Fiona's freighter from Penitents
Defended Korolov Shipping in the Charon system
Defended Point Juno
Defended Raisu Station from Centauri warlord attack
Defended the CSC Antarctica
Delivered arms to Asian Pacific Directorate
Destroyed Benedict's autons in 10 minutes and 12 seconds
Destroyed Centauri settlement in Eridani
Destroyed Cyclops Lab X05
Destroyed the Fortress in the Charon system
Destroyed the Silla anomaly
Discovered the Jannevar anomaly
Escorted North Atlantic Union SIGINT vessel
Found and delivered Professor Dall's alien sphere
Killed Arco Vaughn in Eridani
Lost Jenna
Lost Volkov
Made contact with Stormhound
Recovered Project Lamplighter prototype
Rescued Mr. Katami from the Black Market
Rescued Project Lamplighter scientists
Saved the Gunsan Complex from chimera infection
Scanned the Nagato Explorer
Visited Tranquility Base
Enemy ships destroyed2602
Enemy stations destroyed218
Friendly ships destroyed11
Profit on arms224851
Profit on goods and materials1041678
Profit on illegal items164873
Profit on luxury goods45443
Profit on medical supplies63147
Profit on slave sales2750
Game resurrections5
Never claimed life insurance
Never destroyed friendly stations
Never used Pilgrims' Aid
damage sustained
Dvalin armor2966
heavy mark V Novaya armor114
Nephren X1 shield generator30181
advanced ceralloy armor141
R5-B deflector11886
blast plate137
R5 deflector10095
ceralloy armor80
heavy plasteel armor33
advanced reactive armor10
Cyclotron S1200 deflector8655
Cyclotron S55 deflector1604
reactive armor10
class I deflector752
enemy ships destroyed
Iocrym command ship1
Xenophobe ark1
Iocrym sentinel19
Phobos-class dreadnought5
Huygens-class explorer1
Xenophobe worldship1
Aquila-class cruiser3
Gaian processor2
Dreaming nomad6
Chasm-class heavy gunship21
Deimos-class destroyer1
Cometfall-class missileship7
Tundra-class heavy gunship18
Ares advanced sentry5
Britannia-class chimera6
EI7000-class chimera4
Ares dual sentry6
Lumiere destroyer14
Centurion/X-class heavy gunship1
Manticore-class heavy gunship9
Polar-class freighter12
Ares sentry17
Centurion-class chimera1
Naga-class gunship2
Zoanthrope behemoth1
Kobol gunship4
Earth Slaver6
Omnithor gunship1
Excruciator-class destroyer1
Xenophobe defender5
Sandstorm-class gunship310
Akuma-class heavy gunship1
Luminous drone42
Dreaming raider88
Centurion-class heavy gunship15
Molotok/B-class heavy gunship24
Tripoli-class destroyer9
heavy IAV6
Sotho II-class heavy gunship1
Borer III-class gunship14
TMA-9-class battle auton5
Urak destroyer7
Goron behemoth1
Troglav-class frigate3
Xenophobe fighter52
Mammoth frigate1
Steel slaver25
Charon frigate9
Evren-class heavy gunship1
Atonement-class heavy gunship19
Ronin/C-class chimera47
Molotok/A-class heavy gunship20
Revelations-class missileship18
Ranx gunship3
Anika-class heavy gunship6
Heliotrope frigate8
Raijin-class heavy gunship1
Lumiere battle auton16
Sotho-class heavy gunship8
Viking-class chimera8
Wolfen/C-class gunship1
Goron monitor3
T55-class armed transport6
Barbary-class gunship29
EI500-class freighter8
Meth enforcer18
Repentant-class gunship42
Ronin/C-class gunship25
Oromo II-class heavy gunship7
Cavebear raider22
Lumiere sentinel11
Zoanthrope raider23
Borer II-class gunship31
Eldritch-class gunship4
Viking II-class gunship107
Sapphire-class yacht3
Marauder raid platform2
Wind slaver106
Drake-class missileship20
Earthzone-class chimera1
medium IAV12
Plague-class gunship24
Heliotrope gunship28
200A defender auton2
Demir-class gunship22
Likho-class heavy gunship23
Urak sentinel57
Kaiten-class gunship12
T31-class armed transport19
Oromo-class heavy gunship12
TR-200-class defender35
light IAV8
Centauri heavy raider15
Viking-class gunship159
Ronin/B-class gunship39
Hornet-class chimera5
Corsair II-class gunship76
Hammerhead II-class gunship20
Ronin/A-class gunship2
Zulu II-class gunship17
Sirin 3B-class gunship3
Himal interceptor3
Sabertooth raider70
EI100-class freighter7
Hornet-class battlepod79
Borer-class gunship23
Earthzone-class armed shuttle16
Hammerhead-class gunship40
Corsair-class gunship210
Goron swift22
Zulu-class gunship34
Sirin 3A-class gunship7
TA3-class sentinel4
Centauri raider79
enemy stations destroyed
pteravore lair3
Cyclops Lab X051
Ares commune3
Ares shipyard1
Dreaming Nexus1
Luminous Assembler3
Ares outpost2
Penitent monastery1
Rogue Fleet cache1
Sung citadel3
Black Market shipyard2
level 6 outlaw mine5
Lumiere stronghold6
Penitent sanctum2
Sung fortress6
Curators stronghold3
Heliotrope colony3
level 5 outlaw mine2
Marauder stronghold4
Penitent shrine1
Resurrector outpost1
Black Market station3
container habitat4
Death Drug Cartel outpost6
Dwarg colony2
First Hunters settlement3
level 4 outlaw mine2
Marauder outpost2
Sapiens compound5
Sung slave camp1
Urak fortress2
Anarchist settlement4
Centauri warlord settlement6
Charon Pirates stronghold14
Curators vault1
Fortress of the Charon Pirates1
Goron lair2
Heliotrope outpost2
level 3 outlaw mine4
outlaw haven2
Sapiens camp7
tempus lab12
Urak mine1
Abbasid outpost15
Anarchist gathering17
Arco Vaughn's container habitat1
Centauri warlord stronghold1
Charon Pirates outpost10
First Hunters outpost1
Himal refuge1
Urak outpost8
Anarchist habitat5
Centauri warlord camp7
Charon Pirates cache10
Curators outpost1
outlaw camp1
Systems visited51
Left Human Space
Corporate Command
Near Stars Expansion
The Stars of the Pilgrim Soundtrack
final equipment
Nomad blaster [+90%]
side-mounted Fusionfire howitzer [+50%]
Ares lightning turret [+20%]
side-mounted mark V howitzer [+50%]
TM7 multitarget cannon [+70%]
Nephren X1 shield generator [+40%]
3 segments of light Iocrym armor
segment of light Iocrym armor [+20%]
Hyperion reactor
Titan 440 fusion drive [+enhanced]
lithium booster
trader's cargo hold
final items
147 Quantumsphere shells
gem of sacrifice
2 chests of jasmine pearl tea
2 Iocrym repellers
damaged Ares plasma archcannon
damaged Iocrym repeller
positron lancer
2 Iocrym veils
2 segments of Dvalin armor [+20%]
2 segments of Dvalin armor [+50%]
3 hadron-vacuum fuel cells
4 cases of Bariani olive oil
dual Fusionfire howitzer
NAMI heavy launcher
segment of heavy mark V Novaya armor
segment of heavy mark V Novaya armor [+50%]
2 portable autodocs
531 TM7 warheads
advanced analyzer
Luminous 7ame algorithm
104 pteracnium fuel rods
2 superlattice field crystals
6 Luminous 5care algorithms
Ares Campaign Ribbon
molbidium field crystal
2 Scramble1.5 algorithm cubes
2 trillum field crystals
8 ShieldEfficiency v1.2.5 algorithm cubes
9 longzhu spheres
Commonwealth Medal of Honor
diamond field crystal
2 green etherium field crystals
3 ShieldOverdrive v3.1.8 algorithm cubes
55 Heliotrope fuel cylinders
7 xenotite fuel rods
Commonwealth Medal of Distinction
Diarchy letter of marque
Heisenmachines quantum CPU
particle accelerator
Rasiermesser weapon enhancer
UAS Fleet identification chip
6 weapon efficiency ROMs
Commonwealth military identification chip
military map ROM
rubidium field crystal
2 weapon optimizer ROMs
3 barrels of decon gel
defective weapon enhancement ROM
2 defective visual display ROMs
2 visual display enhancement ROMs
3 kinetic upgrades
6 shield enhancement ROMs
black market identification chip
portable analyzer
2 autopilot ROMs
data ROM
data ROM
heliumĀ³ fuel rod
friendly ships destroyed
Britannia-class heavy gunship1
Ferian miner2
Zoanthrope raider1
EI500-class freighter1
medium IAV1
Kaiten-class gunship1
Oromo-class heavy gunship1
Zulu II-class gunship1
Ronin/A-class gunship1
EI100-class freighter1
items installed
light Iocrym armor
Dvalin armor
heavy mark V Novaya armor
Hyperion reactor
Nephren X1 shield generator
Nomad blaster
side-mounted Fusionfire howitzer
Ares lightning turret
Koshiba-500 reactor
lithium booster
side-mounted mark V howitzer
TM7 multitarget cannon
advanced ceralloy armor
NM900 external missile pod
omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster
R5-B deflector
SN2500 reactor
150NX reactor
Akan 600 turret
blast plate
mark III howitzer
Orkan launcher
R5 deflector
Titan 440 fusion drive
ceralloy armor
heavy plasteel armor
heavy slam cannon
Heisenmachines quantum CPU
omnidirectional x-ray laser
particle accelerator
advanced reactive armor
Cyclotron S1200 deflector
light Tevlar armor
Nova-50 reactor
omnidirectional turbolaser cannon
AK15 Partisan cannon
Cyclotron S55 deflector
light plasteel armor
Rasiermesser SmartCannon
tritium propulsion upgrade
cannon accelerator
DM1500 disposable missile rack
laser collimator
Nova-15 reactor
reactive armor
trader's cargo hold
class I deflector
recoilless cannon
missions & activities
Agricultural colony missions1
Commonwealth habitat missions3
Commonwealth militia missions14
Corporate privateer missions16 (1 failed)
CSC missions20 (1 failed)
Gladiator fights10
Korolov shipping missions6 (1 failed)
Mining colony missions4
Money donated to Sisters of Domina1,000 credits
Money earned on missions513,220 credits
Psionics offered to Domina50
Slaves freed1
ships used
Sapphire-class yacht
weapons fired
Nomad blaster2755
side-mounted Fusionfire howitzer284
Ares lightning turret243
side-mounted mark V howitzer222
TM7 multitarget cannon1061
NM900 external missile pod36
omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster4478
Orkan 255 missile284
Akan 600 turret2266
mark III howitzer2018
Orkan launcher367
heavy slam cannon543
omnidirectional x-ray laser5473
Orkan 55 missile83
omnidirectional turbolaser cannon1510
AK15 Partisan cannon857
Rasiermesser SmartCannon3300
DM1500 disposable missile rack16
recoilless cannon431