AdventureDomina & Oracus I: The Stars of the Pilgrim
Commonwealth Fleet rankFleet captain
Commonwealth militia rankLieutenant
DifficultyStory Mode
Domina relationshipCanon
FateLeft Human Space on a journey to the Galactic Core
GenderHuman male
Korolov rankJourneyman
Money (credits)3478493
Money (euros)17451
Money (rin)272827
Money (yuan)809678
Ship classEI200-class freighter
Time played23 hours and 31 minutes
achievements & regrets
Became a gladiator in the Arena
Defended Fiona's freighter from Penitents
Defended Korolov Shipping in the Charon system
Defended Point Juno
Defended Raisu Station from Centauri warlord attack
Delivered arms to Asian Pacific Directorate
Delivered one-time pad to Strawman
Destroyed Benedict's autons in 12 minutes and 20 seconds
Destroyed Centauri settlement in Eridani
Destroyed the Fortress in the Charon system
Extracted data about project Grey Wolf
Failed to defend the CSC Antarctica
Found and delivered Professor Dall's alien sphere
Helped Strawman to return safely
Killed Arco Vaughn in Eridani
Made contact with Stormhound
Obtained data ROM for Strawman
Recovered Project Lamplighter prototype
Rescued Project Lamplighter scientists
Enemy ships destroyed4558
Enemy stations destroyed436
Friendly ships destroyed32
Friendly stations destroyed3
Profit on arms2740059
Profit on goods and materials3031886
Profit on luxury goods379132
Profit on medical supplies42537
Game resurrections2
Never bought life insurance
Never used Pilgrims' Aid
criminal record
Fined 341,000 euros by the Eurasian Diarchy
Fined 5,000 credits by the United African States
damage sustained
advanced ithalium armor10
hexacarbide armor1161
Mammoth 100MW deflector4652
medium ithalium armor1
nanoforged orthosteel armor81
R9 deflector10124
Taikon-10 deflector13511
advanced ceralloy armor122
Ceratops 5T quasi-armor2626
Mammoth 25MW deflector1059
ceralloy armor29
R1 deflector1175
Cyclotron S55 deflector131
class II deflector220
enemy ships destroyed
Iocrym command ship1
Xenophobe ark1
Phobos-class dreadnought7
Iocrym sentinel25
Huygens-class explorer1
Xenophobe worldship1
Dreaming nomad8
Deimos-class destroyer10
Chasm-class heavy gunship40
Cometfall-class missileship6
Ventari destroyer10
Revenant-class destroyer5
Tundra-class heavy gunship73
Ranx dreadnought5
Ares advanced sentry22
Ares dual sentry39
Polar-class freighter15
Ares sentry118
Centurion/X-class heavy gunship9
Manticore-class heavy gunship1
Hurin-class destroyer2
Zoanthrope behemoth13
Earth Slaver29
Kobol gunship33
Tripoli-class destroyer7
Excruciator-class destroyer1
Xenophobe defender5
Sandstorm-class gunship550
Dwarg master31
Luminous drone45
Wraith-class heavy gunship12
Dreaming raider182
Molotok/B-class heavy gunship4
Urak destroyer22
heavy IAV5
Sotho II-class heavy gunship5
Borer III-class gunship8
TMA-9-class battle auton20
Centurion-class heavy gunship32
Goron behemoth2
Mammoth frigate2
Sung transport1
Xenophobe fighter35
Steel slaver69
Charon frigate5
Atonement-class heavy gunship23
Molotok/A-class heavy gunship3
Evren-class heavy gunship7
Revelations-class missileship7
1M battle auton4
Ranx gunship92
Heliotrope frigate15
Raijin-class heavy gunship1
Sotho-class heavy gunship5
Goron monitor2
T55-class armed transport9
Barbary-class gunship18
Earthzone 5000-class missileship10
Meth enforcer48
Repentant-class gunship29
Ronin/C-class gunship34
Oromo II-class heavy gunship16
Cavebear raider27
Borer II-class gunship20
Eldritch-class gunship94
Viking II-class gunship75
Zoanthrope raider409
Marauder raid platform8
Drake-class missileship18
Plague-class gunship43
medium IAV5
Heliotrope gunship43
Wind slaver348
Demir-class gunship21
Urak sentinel175
Earthzone 1200-class gunship47
Kaiten-class gunship13
T31-class armed transport5
light IAV21
Oromo-class heavy gunship26
TR-200-class defender28
Centauri heavy raider21
Viking-class gunship165
Ronin/B-class gunship61
Corsair II-class gunship86
Hammerhead II-class gunship5
EI500-class freighter2
Ronin/A-class gunship7
Zulu II-class gunship21
EI100-class freighter3
Himal interceptor73
Sabertooth raider75
Hornet-class battlepod261
Borer-class gunship32
Earthzone 100-class armed shuttle21
Hammerhead-class gunship7
Corsair-class gunship309
Goron soldier2
Goron swift17
Zulu-class gunship15
TA3-class sentinel13
Centauri raider96
enemy stations destroyed
pteravore lair6
Ares commune19
Ares shipyard8
Dreaming Nexus7
Kobol warlord outpost3
Luminous Assembler3
Ranx fortress4
Rogue Fleet settlement3
Ares outpost10
Penitent monastery1
Ranx outpost7
Resurrector sanctum7
Rogue Fleet cache1
Sung citadel18
Ventari colony5
Black Market shipyard3
Dwarg fortress10
Huari fortress2
level 6 outlaw mine5
Penitent sanctum9
Sung fortress21
Dwarg colony13
Heliotrope colony8
level 5 outlaw mine4
Marauder stronghold6
Penitent shrine8
Resurrector outpost8
container habitat1
Death Drug Cartel outpost13
First Hunters settlement6
level 4 outlaw mine2
Marauder compound8
Marauder outpost5
Sapiens compound6
Sung slave camp9
Urak fortress10
Anarchist settlement6
Centauri warlord settlement8
Charon Pirates stronghold15
Fortress of the Charon Pirates1
Goron lair5
level 3 outlaw mine4
outlaw haven6
Sapiens outpost6
tempus lab1
Urak mine6
Abbasid outpost13
Anarchist gathering35
Arco Vaughn's container habitat1
Centauri warlord stronghold1
Charon Pirates outpost12
First Hunters outpost7
level 2 outlaw mine4
outlaw base5
Urak outpost11
Anarchist habitat2
Centauri warlord camp8
Charon Pirates cache12
Himal refuge6
outlaw camp2
Systems visited41
Left Human Space
Near Stars Expansion
Osaka Playership
final equipment
omnidirectional ion blaster [+20%]
NAMI heavy launcher
R9 deflector [+20%]
6 segments of hexacarbide armor
Hyperion reactor
pteracnium megadrive
patch spider
Heisenmachines quantum CPU
MRAD experiment
3 ICX missile defense turrets
miner's cargo hold
final items
494 Quantumsphere shells
segment of light Iocrym armor
447 M5 Nemesis missiles
positron lancer
1350 S3 Medusa missiles
240 hadron-vacuum fuel cells
2 advanced analyzers
2 advanced analyzers
2 advanced analyzers
advanced analyzer
advanced analyzer
omnidirectional thermo cannon [+10%]
segment of quadrocarbide armor
4 Ares Campaign Ribbons
433 pteracnium fuel rods
955 thermo cannon shell cartridges
damaged Xenophobe ion lancer
transpace jumpdrive
Xenophobe ion lancer
15 longzhu spheres
Titan 440 fusion drive [+enhanced]
149 Heliotrope fuel cylinders
153 xenotite fuel rods
Space Command identification chip
UAS Fleet identification chip
Commonwealth military identification chip
friendly ships destroyed
Imperator-class destroyer1
Manticore-class heavy gunship1
Hurin-class destroyer1
Molotok/B-class heavy gunship1
heavy IAV1
Molotok/A-class heavy gunship1
Evren-class heavy gunship3
EI7000-class freighter1
Zoanthrope raider16
medium IAV2
Ronin/B-class gunship2
EI200-class freighter1
Zulu II-class gunship1
friendly stations destroyed
(ED research lab)2
Nares-Strong Research Station1
items installed
advanced ithalium armor
hexacarbide armor
Hyperion reactor
NAMI heavy launcher
Nomad blaster
omnidirectional ion blaster
pteracnium megadrive
Ares lightning turret
Koshiba-500 reactor
Mammoth 100MW deflector
medium ithalium armor
nanoforged orthosteel armor
omnidirectional thermo cannon
R9 deflector
Rasiermesser launcher
Taikon-10 deflector
advanced ceralloy armor
Longreach I autocannon
omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster
SN2500 reactor
transpace jumpdrive
Akan 600 turret
blast plate
Ceratops 5T quasi-armor
Mammoth 25MW deflector
patch spider
Titan 440 fusion drive
ceralloy armor
Heisenmachines quantum CPU
Makayev launcher
MRAD experiment
Nova-100 reactor
particle beam turret
advanced reactive armor
class III deflector
Flenser relativistic cannon
ICX missile defense turret
Nova-50 reactor
R1 deflector
RK15 Partisan turret
Cyclotron S55 deflector
light plasteel armor
miner's cargo hold
NAMI missile launcher
Osaka-20 reactor
Rasiermesser SmartCannon
solar panel array
tritium propulsion upgrade
cannon accelerator
class II deflector
reactive armor
trader's cargo hold
Nakura bolter
missions & activities
Commonwealth habitat missions1
Commonwealth militia missions3
CSC missions20
Huari Empire missions2
Korolov shipping missions8 (1 failed)
Mining colony missions4
Money donated to Sisters of Domina36,800 credits
Money earned on missions227,644 credits
Psionics offered to Domina19
powers invoked
Data Extraction Hack1
ships used
Osaka-class transport
EI200-class freighter
weapons fired
M5 Nemesis missile116
Gotha-400 seeker213
M2 Vulcan missile3
NAMI heavy launcher264
Nomad blaster2
omnidirectional ion blaster327
S3 Medusa missile145
Ares lightning turret1563
Gotha-10 missile150
omnidirectional thermo cannon1840
Rasiermesser launcher363
omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster550
Red Strelka missile50
Akan 600 turret3833
Makayev launcher396
particle beam turret1245
White Strelka missile346
Longreach I autocannon1216
RK15 Partisan turret6091
KM110 Starburst missile53
KM120 Brute missile23
KM500 Stiletto missile59
NAMI missile launcher139
Rasiermesser SmartCannon1873
KM100 Longbow missile4
laser cannon19700
Nakura bolter46