AdventureDomina & Oracus I: The Stars of the Pilgrim
Commonwealth Fleet rankCivilian
Commonwealth militia rankLieutenant
Corporate privateer rankFreelancer
Domina relationshipCurate
FateDestroyed by pteravores in the Heretic System
GenderHuman male
Korolov rankJourneyman
Money (credits)448176
Money (euros)64208
Money (rin)31265
Money (yuan)260
Ship classEvren-class heavy gunship
Time played17 hours and 7 minutes
Version1.9 Alpha 4
achievements & regrets
Became Legendary Hero of the Arena
Befriended the Huari
Defended Fiona's freighter from Penitents
Defended Korolov Shipping in the Charon system
Defended the CSC Antarctica
Delivered arms to Eurasian Diarchy
Delivered one-time pad to Strawman
Destroyed Cyclops Lab X05
Destroyed the Fortress in the Charon system
Destroyed the Silla anomaly
Discovered the Tau Ceti anomaly
Found and delivered Professor Dall's alien sphere
Made contact with Stormhound
Raided Cyclops Corporation headquarters
Rescued Mr. Katami from the Black Market
Saved the Gunsan Complex from chimera infection
Enemy ships destroyed2258
Enemy stations destroyed336
Friendly ships destroyed63
Profit on arms1203158
Profit on goods and materials302612
Profit on illegal items80465
Profit on luxury goods94467
Profit on medical supplies19945
Honored permadeath
Never bought life insurance
Never destroyed friendly stations
damage sustained
Dvalin armor6424
plasma shield generator6123
light Gusoku armor573
Yoroi MX shield generator50164
blast plate179
heavy plasteel armor1
light blast plate58
advanced reactive armor42
monopole deflector screen3292
ceramic armor71
class II deflector1239
enemy ships destroyed
Aquila-class cruiser1
Gaian processor2
Dreaming nomad4
Deimos-class destroyer1
Chasm-class heavy gunship4
Omnithor hunter-killer2
Ventari destroyer2
Tundra-class heavy gunship17
Revenant-class destroyer1
Ares advanced sentry2
EI7000-class chimera6
Ranx dreadnought1
Ares dual sentry9
Excruciator-class destroyer1
Lumiere destroyer8
Centurion/X-class heavy gunship4
Polar-class freighter7
Omnithor heavy gunship2
Ares sentry41
Tripoli-class destroyer5
Earth Slaver2
Omnithor gunship6
Xenophobe defender4
Kobol gunship8
Sandstorm-class gunship140
Dwarg master2
Luminous drone31
Wraith-class heavy gunship5
Ronin/C-class chimera52
Dreaming raider23
Centurion-class heavy gunship12
Manticore-class heavy gunship3
Urak destroyer15
Troglav-class frigate3
Xenophobe fighter4
Mammoth frigate1
Steel slaver31
Drake-class chimera1
Atonement-class heavy gunship9
Revelations-class missileship14
Ranx gunship48
Heliotrope frigate21
Raijin-class heavy gunship1
Lumiere battle auton26
Viking-class chimera2
Wolfen/C-class gunship1
Charon frigate3
Goron monitor2
Barbary-class gunship18
Repentant-class gunship22
Sotho-class heavy gunship13
Meth enforcer19
Ronin/C-class gunship28
Cavebear raider25
Lumiere sentinel32
Zoanthrope raider32
Eldritch-class gunship34
Viking II-class gunship53
Wind slaver161
Drake-class missileship21
Plague-class gunship93
EI200-class freighter1
Heliotrope gunship49
Marauder raid platform7
200A defender auton1
Sapphire-class yacht5
Demir-class gunship3
EI500-class freighter3
Urak sentinel76
Kaiten-class gunship9
Oromo-class heavy gunship12
T31-class armed transport9
heavy IAV1
Centauri heavy raider8
Viking-class gunship99
Ronin/B-class gunship44
Hornet-class chimera9
Corsair II-class gunship57
Borer II-class gunship12
Hammerhead II-class gunship2
Likho-class heavy gunship23
Ronin/A-class gunship5
Zulu II-class gunship19
EI100-class freighter6
Sirin 3B-class gunship7
Himal interceptor12
Sabertooth raider27
Hornet-class battlepod251
Borer-class gunship20
Earthzone-class armed shuttle36
Hammerhead-class gunship9
light IAV2
Corsair-class gunship133
Goron soldier7
Goron swift13
Zulu-class gunship19
Sirin 3A-class gunship32
TA3-class sentinel32
Centauri raider57
enemy stations destroyed
pteravore lair4
Cyclops Lab X051
Ares commune7
Ares shipyard1
Kobol warlord camp1
Luminous Assembler3
Ranx fortress1
Rogue Fleet settlement2
Ares outpost8
Omnithor lab1
Penitent monastery1
Ranx outpost3
Resurrector sanctum4
Rogue Fleet cache1
Ventari colony1
Dwarg fortress1
Lumiere stronghold11
outlaw pteracnium mine2
Penitent sanctum3
Sung citadel1
Sung fortress16
Curators stronghold2
Cyclops Corporation HQ1
Heliotrope colony10
Marauder stronghold4
outlaw duranium mine1
Penitent shrine5
Resurrector outpost4
container habitat1
Death Drug Cartel outpost8
Dwarg colony2
First Hunters settlement7
Lumiere outpost6
Marauder compound4
Marauder outpost3
outlaw ceralloy mine2
Sapiens compound15
Sung slave camp8
Urak fortress4
Anarchist settlement10
Charon Pirates stronghold13
Curators vault5
Fortress of the Charon Pirates1
Goron lair2
outlaw haven5
outlaw palladium mine1
Sapiens camp7
Urak mine8
Abbasid outpost11
Anarchist gathering39
Charon Pirates outpost7
First Hunters outpost3
Himal refuge11
outlaw titanium mine8
Urak outpost5
Anarchist habitat6
Centauri warlord camp6
Charon Pirates cache17
Curators outpost6
outlaw camp5
Systems visited52
Never reached the Galactic Core
Corporate Command
Near Stars Connector
Osaka Playership
The Stars of the Pilgrim HD
final equipment
Dvalin Ion9 cannon [+60%]
omnidirectional thermo cannon [+40%]
NAMI heavy launcher
plasma shield generator
2 segments of Dvalin armor [+50%]
4 segments of Dvalin armor [+50%]
Koshiba-500 reactor [+enhanced]
lithium booster
thermo shell nanofac
transpace jumpdrive
patch spider
trader's cargo hold
final items
gem of sacrifice
2 malachite crystals
31 M5 Nemesis missiles
6 chests of jasmine pearl tea
case of Ringer ambrosia
103 S3 Medusa missiles
15 cases of New Coke
44 M2 Vulcan missiles
5 heavy armor repair kits
50 hadron-vacuum fuel cells
hierolith crystal
13 containers of quantum vacuum
2 advanced analyzers
2 gems of contrition
2 nodules of crystalline uranium
2 portable autodocs
3 Luminous 7ame algorithms
4 cases of Ringer spice
7 crates of cryofrozen prime beef
advanced analyzer
advanced analyzer
101 thermo cannon shell cartridges
11 Luminous 5care algorithms
2 CDM archives
21 chests of jinn-khan
222 pteracnium fuel rods
5 gems of despair
Ares Campaign Ribbon
ion power capacitor
medium armor repair kit
2 barrels of meteorsteel dust
4 diamond field crystals
7 longzhu spheres
Commonwealth Medal of Honor
Scramble1.5 algorithm cube
ShieldEfficiency v1.2.5 algorithm cube
130 xenotite fuel rods
2 engineering analyzers
203 Heliotrope fuel cylinders
4 optical knowledge arrays
Commonwealth Medal of Distinction
engineering analyzer
engineering analyzer
engineering analyzer
Interstellar Miners Union identification chip
ShieldPower v3.1.8 algorithm cube
Space Command identification chip
UAS Fleet identification chip
2 neural processors
2 weapon efficiency ROMs
Commonwealth military identification chip
2 Abbasid thanograms
jewel of contemplation
3 portable analyzers
3 visual display enhancement ROMs
4 shield enhancement ROMs
black market identification chip
portable analyzer
portable analyzer
friendly ships destroyed
Britannia-class heavy gunship1
Molotok/A-class heavy gunship1
Lumiere battle auton1
Zoanthrope raider3
Salvager Nomad4
T31-class armed transport15
Ronin/B-class gunship2
Zulu-class gunship36
items installed
Dvalin armor
Dvalin Ion9 cannon
NAMI heavy launcher
Koshiba-500 reactor
lithium booster
omnidirectional thermo cannon
plasma shield generator
thermo shell nanofac
Thorin 300 multicannon
light Gusoku armor
transpace jumpdrive
Yoroi MX shield generator
150NX reactor
blast plate
patch spider
Titan 440 fusion drive
light blast plate
Nova-100 reactor
Rasiermesser weapon enhancer
advanced reactive armor
Flenser relativistic cannon
omnidirectional turbolaser cannon
patcher arm
Takao launcher
miner's cargo hold
NAMI missile launcher
Rasiermesser SmartCannon
solar panel array
cannon accelerator
ceramic armor
class II deflector
Nova-15 reactor
omnidirectional laser cannon
trader's cargo hold
Valjor 50 laser cannon
missions & activities
Corporate privateer missions7
Gladiator fights9
Korolov shipping missions5 (1 failed)
Mining colony missions1
Money earned on missions47,051 credits
Slaves freed5
Slaves offered to Domina44
Value of supplies donated to Commonwealth Fleet875
weapons fired
M5 Nemesis missile9
Dvalin Ion9 cannon611
M2 Vulcan missile22
NAMI heavy launcher153
S3 Medusa missile122
Shinyo missile2
Kairyu missile92
omnidirectional thermo cannon2303
Thorin 300 multicannon581
T-105 missile1093
A30 Viyuga bolt1
Flenser relativistic cannon12303
omnidirectional turbolaser cannon474
Sova-10 particle turret10
T-11 missile1090
Takao launcher2277
Archura launcher1
KM120 Brute missile8
KM500 Stiletto missile10
NAMI missile launcher106
Rasiermesser SmartCannon29
KM100 Longbow missile88
omnidirectional laser cannon1074
Valjor 50 laser cannon336