AdventureDomina & Oracus I: The Stars of the Pilgrim
Commonwealth Fleet rankFleet commander
Commonwealth militia rankMajor
Corporate privateer rankWashout
Domina relationshipCanon
FateDestroyed by an Ares advanced sentry in the IC 767 System
GenderHuman male
Money (credits)93439907
Money (euros)9174
Money (rin)98854009
Money (yuan)98831050
Ship classBritannia-class heavy gunship
Time played1 day and 2 hours
Version Created1.9.2 Steam
achievements & regrets
Avenged destruction of Trading Post Serpens
Defeated the Kronosaurus
Defended Point Juno
Defended Raisu Station from Centauri warlord attack
Delivered arms to Asian Pacific Directorate
Destroyed Benedict's autons in 9 minutes and 28 seconds
Destroyed the Silla anomaly
Discovered the Tau Ceti anomaly
Escorted North Atlantic Union SIGINT vessel
Failed to chased off the Nagato Explorer
Failed to defend Fiona's freighter from Penitents
Failed to defend the CSC Antarctica
Failed to destroy strike force attacking the Nagato Explorer
Killed Arco Vaughn in Eridani
Recovered Project Lamplighter prototype
Rescued Project Lamplighter scientists
Scanned the Nagato Explorer
Enemy ships destroyed3003
Enemy stations destroyed250
Friendly ships destroyed13
Profit on illegal items24750
Profit on slave sales24750
Stock market losses269982
Tons of ore mined4
Value of mined resources395
Game resurrections39
Insurance claims3
Never destroyed friendly stations
Never used Pilgrims' Aid
damage sustained
Taikon-200 deflector26175
advanced ithalium armor5749
plasma shield generator7215
R9 deflector43507
V300 powered armor9165
Ceratops 5T quasi-armor510
heavy mark II Novaya armor9739
heavy plasteel armor7
Nephren P25 shield generator1484
Yoroi S100 shield generator81
class III deflector3199
light solar armor68
plasteel armor681
hull plate ionizer831
Cyclotron S10 deflector885
enemy ships destroyed
Xenophobe ark1
Phobos-class dreadnought5
Iocrym sentinel17
Huygens-class explorer1
Xenophobe worldship1
Gaian processor4
Dreaming nomad17
Deimos-class destroyer3
Chasm-class heavy gunship11
Cometfall-class missileship6
Ventari destroyer5
Omnithor hunter-killer8
Tundra-class heavy gunship47
Ranx dreadnought5
Ares advanced sentry4
Ares dual sentry29
Lumiere destroyer1
Polar-class freighter10
Omnithor heavy gunship15
Ares sentry59
Centurion/X-class heavy gunship12
Ranx freighter2
Hurin-class destroyer1
Aurochs-class mine layer2
Zoanthrope behemoth1
Earth Slaver6
Kobol gunship25
Tripoli-class destroyer3
Xenophobe defender6
Omnithor gunship49
Sandstorm-class gunship377
Dwarg master10
Akuma-class heavy gunship1
Luminous drone123
Wraith-class heavy gunship2
Dreaming raider143
Troglav-class frigate2
Urak destroyer4
Sotho II-class heavy gunship3
Borer III-class gunship11
TMA-9-class battle auton11
Centurion-class heavy gunship65
Mammoth frigate1
Xenophobe fighter54
Steel slaver29
Charon frigate7
Drake-class chimera1
Atonement-class heavy gunship6
Evren-class heavy gunship8
Revelations-class missileship2
Ranx gunship86
Sapphire-class yacht1
Heliotrope frigate17
Lumiere battle auton8
Sotho-class heavy gunship1
Viking-class chimera30
T55-class armed transport2
Barbary-class gunship12
Earthzone 5000-class missileship1
EI500-class freighter3
Meth enforcer3
Repentant-class gunship10
Ronin/C-class gunship15
Oromo II-class heavy gunship11
Cavebear raider4
Drake-class missileship11
Lumiere sentinel8
Borer II-class gunship5
Eldritch-class gunship12
Viking II-class gunship85
Zoanthrope raider182
Marauder raid platform4
Earthzone-class chimera1
Plague-class gunship13
Heliotrope gunship13
Wind slaver104
Demir-class gunship25
Urak sentinel46
Earthzone 1200-class gunship10
T31-class armed transport9
Oromo-class heavy gunship20
TR-200-class defender18
Centauri heavy raider12
Viking-class gunship86
Ronin/B-class gunship36
Hornet-class chimera4
Corsair II-class gunship46
Hammerhead II-class gunship8
Likho-class heavy gunship6
Zulu II-class gunship10
Sirin 3B-class gunship3
Himal interceptor148
Sabertooth raider20
Hornet-class battlepod213
Borer-class gunship22
Earthzone 100-class armed shuttle23
Hammerhead-class gunship11
Corsair-class gunship244
Goron swift1
Zulu-class gunship32
Sirin 3A-class gunship12
TA3-class sentinel15
Centauri raider65
enemy stations destroyed
pteravore lair3
Ares commune15
Ares shipyard2
Dreaming Nexus4
Omnithor settlement3
Kobol warlord outpost3
Luminous Assembler7
Luminous Sentinel6
Ranx fortress3
Resurrector cathedral1
Rogue Fleet settlement5
Ares outpost3
Omnithor lab1
Ranx outpost4
Resurrector sanctum1
Rogue Fleet cache4
Sung citadel5
Ventari colony2
Dwarg fortress1
Huari fortress1
level 6 outlaw mine3
Lumiere stronghold2
Penitent sanctum3
Sung fortress4
Curators stronghold3
Dwarg colony19
Heliotrope colony5
level 5 outlaw mine4
Luminous Extractor5
Marauder stronghold4
Penitent shrine2
Resurrector outpost2
container habitat5
Death Drug Cartel outpost1
First Hunters settlement2
Lumiere outpost2
Marauder compound2
Marauder outpost1
Sapiens compound1
Sung slave camp7
Urak fortress3
Anarchist settlement3
Charon Pirates stronghold8
Curators vault1
level 3 outlaw mine3
outlaw haven2
Sapiens outpost2
Abbasid outpost13
Anarchist gathering17
Charon Pirates outpost5
level 2 outlaw mine3
outlaw base2
Urak outpost6
Anarchist habitat3
Centauri warlord camp4
Charon Pirates cache8
Curators outpost2
Himal refuge11
outlaw camp3
Systems visited51
Never left Human Space
Corporate Command
Near Stars Expansion
The Stars of the Pilgrim Soundtrack
final equipment
Iocrym Fracture cannon
2 damaged side-mounted mark V howitzers
TM7 multitarget cannon [+power save]
Burak missile launcher
R9 deflector [+20%]
4 segments of advanced ithalium armor
Hyperion reactor
pteracnium megadrive [+enhanced]
transpace jumpdrive
NAMI auton bay
Uzun targeting scanner
final items
4 segments of light Iocrym armor
damaged segment of light Iocrym armor
damaged segment of light Iocrym armor
damaged segment of light Iocrym armor
damaged segment of light Iocrym armor
damaged segment of light Iocrym armor
Iocrym Fracture cannon
725 hadron-vacuum fuel cells
heavy ion blaster [+10%]
Iocrym veil
526 TM7 warheads
lithium booster
Luminous 7ame algorithm
5 Luminous 5care algorithms
1466 Burak600 missiles
damaged patch spider
UAS Fleet identification chip
Commonwealth military identification chip
5 system map ROMs
data ROM
data ROM labeled "Heretic research"
data ROM labeled "Heretic research"
friendly ships destroyed
Manticore-class heavy gunship3
Britannia-class heavy gunship3
Sandstorm-class gunship1
corporate explorer1
Zoanthrope raider4
medium IAV1
items installed
Iocrym Fracture cannon
Taikon-200 deflector
advanced ithalium armor
heavy ion blaster
heavy mark V Novaya armor
Hyperion reactor
Iocrym veil
Kytryn blaster
mark VII howitzer
NAMI heavy launcher
pteracnium megadrive
ion flame cannon
Koshiba-500 reactor
lithium booster
omnidirectional thermo cannon
orthosteel armor
P450 Hexphase armor
plasma shield generator
R9 deflector
side-mounted mark V howitzer
TM7 multitarget cannon
V300 powered armor
Xuanwu-700 howitzer
Bushido weapon enhancer
Longreach I autocannon
NM900 external missile pod
omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster
side-mounted light ion blaster
transpace jumpdrive
150NX reactor
Ceratops 5T quasi-armor
high-speed howitzer loader
mark III howitzer
patch spider
Titan 440 fusion drive
heavy mark II Novaya armor
heavy plasteel armor
Heisenmachines quantum CPU
Makayev launcher
Makayev weapon enhancer
mark I howitzer
MRAD experiment
Nephren P25 shield generator
Nova-100 reactor
particle accelerator
particle beam turret
Rasiermesser weapon enhancer
Yoroi S100 shield generator
advanced reactive armor
Ceratops 1T quasi-armor
class III deflector
ICX missile defense turret
light solar armor
MAG launcher
NAMI auton bay
Nova-50 reactor
omnidirectional turbolaser cannon
plasteel armor
Sova-10 particle turret
heavy CLAW cannon
light plasteel armor
miner's cargo hold
Moskva 11 light turret
Nova-25 reactor
Novaya armor repairer
solar panel array
Uzun targeting scanner
Burak missile launcher
DM1500 disposable missile rack
hull plate ionizer
laser collimator
Nova-15 reactor
trader's cargo hold
Cyclotron S10 deflector
missions & activities
Agricultural colony missions1
Commonwealth habitat missions1
Commonwealth militia missions7
Corporate privateer missions21 (5 failed)
CSC missions17 (4 failed)
Mining colony missions5
Money donated to Sisters of Domina1,119,890 credits
Money earned on missions258,741 credits
Psionics offered to Domina28
Slaves freed60
ore mined
uranium ore3
titanium ore1
powers invoked
Desperate Escape4
Nebular Sight2
ships used
Constellation-class freighter
Manticore-class heavy gunship
EI200-class freighter
Britannia-class heavy gunship
weapons fired
Iocrym Fracture cannon352
heavy ion blaster242
Kytryn blaster59
mark VII howitzer12
side-mounted mark V howitzer2199
TM7 multitarget cannon4558
Xuanwu-700 howitzer54
omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster982
side-mounted light ion blaster2741
Burak600 missile708
mark III howitzer39
Burak500 missile111
Makayev launcher867
mark I howitzer31
particle beam turret5286
White Strelka missile867
Burak400 missile132
Longreach I autocannon2611
Sova-10 particle turret316
heavy CLAW cannon30
Moskva 11 light turret3224
Burak missile launcher951
DM1500 disposable missile rack32
laser cannon3650