AdventureDomina & Oracus I: The Stars of the Pilgrim
Black Market rankCivilian
Corporate privateer rankFreelancer
Domina relationshipNovice
FateSelf-destructed in the Rigel Aurelius System
GenderHuman male
Money (credits)22290
Money (euros)904
Money (yuan)2838
Ship classManticore-class heavy gunship
Time played2 hours and 9 minutes
Version1.9 Beta 1a
achievements & regrets
Became a gladiator in the Arena
Delivered one-time pad to Strawman
Destroyed Benedict's autons in 8 minutes and 4 seconds
Escorted North Atlantic Union SIGINT vessel
Enemy ships destroyed338
Enemy stations destroyed65
Friendly ships destroyed12
Profit on arms22796
Profit on goods and materials22014
Profit on luxury goods1463
Profit on medical supplies551
Value of mined resources10845
Game resurrections6
Never bought life insurance
Never destroyed friendly stations
damage sustained
nanoforged plasteel armor2550
medium mark I Novaya armor3588
enemy ships destroyed
Revelations-class missileship2
Charon frigate2
Cavebear raider5
Drake-class missileship3
Plague-class gunship12
Ronin/B-class gunship1
Urak sentinel11
Kaiten-class gunship7
Oromo-class heavy gunship1
T31-class armed transport3
heavy IAV1
Centauri heavy raider1
Viking-class gunship27
Sapphire-class yacht1
Corsair II-class gunship6
Borer II-class gunship6
Hammerhead II-class gunship2
Ronin/A-class gunship5
Zulu II-class gunship2
Sirin 3B-class gunship2
Himal interceptor7
medium IAV4
Sabertooth raider14
EI100-class freighter4
Hornet-class battlepod32
Borer-class gunship16
Earthzone-class armed shuttle1
light IAV3
Corsair-class gunship92
Zulu-class gunship24
Sirin 3A-class gunship1
TA3-class sentinel20
Centauri raider20
enemy stations destroyed
First Hunters settlement1
Sapiens compound2
Charon Pirates stronghold1
outlaw palladium mine3
Sapiens camp1
Abbasid outpost7
Charon Pirates outpost4
Himal refuge4
outlaw base1
outlaw titanium mine5
Urak outpost3
Anarchist habitat5
Centauri warlord camp1
Charon Pirates cache23
Curators outpost2
outlaw camp2
Systems visited10
Never reached Jiang's Star
Never reached Point Juno
Never reached Heretic
Never reached the Galactic Core
Corporate Command
Near Stars Connector
Osaka Playership
The Stars of the Pilgrim Soundtrack
final equipment
dual turbolaser cannon [+50%]
NAMI missile launcher
Novaya armor repairer
6 segments of nanoforged plasteel armor [+radiation immune]
Nova-100 reactor
Titan 440 fusion drive
patcher arm
smuggler's cargo hold
laser collimator
final items
4 tons of orthosteel ore
5 optical knowledge arrays
hexagene booster
Space Command identification chip
192 Burak400 missiles
3 barrels of anti-radiation coating
3 neural processors
42 helium?reactor assemblies
barrel of radioactive waste
weapon efficiency ROM
XM300 Reaper missile
234 Burak300 missiles
286 KM500 Stiletto missiles
large armor patch
magma cutter
miner's cargo hold
Uzun targeting scanner
weapon optimizer ROM
127 KM100 Longbow missiles
2 system map ROMs
41 Burak200 missiles
black market identification chip
Burak missile launcher
portable analyzer
portable analyzer
visual display enhancement ROM
11 small armor patches
12 helium?fuel rods
3 barrels of ablative armor coating
5 barrels of armor repair paste
carved prayer stone
laser amplifier
friendly ships destroyed
T31-class armed transport3
Zulu-class gunship9
items installed
Titan 440 fusion drive
nanoforged plasteel armor
Nova-100 reactor
dual turbolaser cannon
Nova-50 reactor
patcher arm
smuggler's cargo hold
magma cutter
medium mark I Novaya armor
miner's cargo hold
NAMI missile launcher
Novaya armor repairer
Uzun targeting scanner
Burak missile launcher
heavy recoilless cannon
laser collimator
Nova-15 reactor
missions & activities
Corporate privateer missions2
Gladiator fights2
Money earned on missions27,975 credits
Slaves freed3
ore mined
platinum ore1
palladium ore56
helium regolith3
plasteel ore56
titanium ore48
uranium ore1
weapons fired
dual turbolaser cannon2498
Burak300 missile15
magma cutter992
NAMI missile launcher2
Burak missile launcher292
Burak200 missile277
heavy recoilless cannon1409
KM100 Longbow missile2