AdventureDomina & Oracus I: The Stars of the Pilgrim
Domina relationshipNovice
FateDestroyed by The Slicer in the Rigel Aurelius System
GenderHuman female
Korolov rankJourneyman
Money (credits)14
Ship classWolfen-class gunship
Time played52 minutes and 47 seconds
Version1.9 Alpha 2
achievements & regrets
Defeated by The Slicer in the Arena
Defended Fiona's freighter from Penitents
Liberated Raisu station
Made contact with Stormhound
Rescued Mr. Katami from the Black Market
Enemy ships destroyed173
Enemy stations destroyed28
Friendly ships destroyed1
Profit on goods and materials6608
Profit on luxury goods3450
Honored permadeath
Never backtracked
Never bought life insurance
Never destroyed friendly stations
Never invoked powers of Domina
damage sustained
ceralloy armor501
light blast plate214
advanced reactive armor148
Ceratops 1T quasi-armor110
plasteel armor361
light plasteel armor97
monopole deflector screen1614
class II deflector1839
enemy ships destroyed
Atonement-class heavy gunship1
Manticore-class heavy gunship2
Wolfen/C-class gunship3
Charon frigate1
Repentant-class gunship1
Meth enforcer2
Ronin/C-class gunship3
Sapphire-class yacht3
Drake-class missileship1
EI200-class freighter1
Urak sentinel6
Oromo-class heavy gunship3
heavy IAV2
Centauri heavy raider3
Viking-class gunship7
Ronin/B-class gunship5
Corsair II-class gunship2
Ronin/A-class gunship5
Zulu II-class gunship3
EI100-class freighter5
Himal interceptor1
Borer-class gunship5
Hornet-class battlepod28
Earthzone-class armed shuttle5
light IAV3
Corsair-class gunship29
Zulu-class gunship6
Sirin 3A-class gunship3
Centauri raider34
enemy stations destroyed
Death Drug Cartel outpost1
Charon Pirates stronghold1
Abbasid outpost3
Anarchist gathering5
Arco Vaughn's container habitat1
Himal refuge1
outlaw camp1
Urak outpost2
Anarchist habitat3
Centauri warlord camp5
Charon Pirates cache2
Charon Pirates outpost2
Curators outpost1
Systems visited5
Never reached St. Katharine's Star
Never reached Jiang's Star
Never reached Point Juno
Never reached Heretic
Never reached the Galactic Core
Corporate Command
Near Stars Connector
The Stars of the Pilgrim HD
The Stars of the Pilgrim Soundtrack
final equipment
dual particle beam weapon
particle beam turret
Burak missile launcher [+tracking]
Ceratops 1T quasi-armor [+50%]
2 segments of ceralloy armor
2 segments of light blast plate
Nova-50 reactor
Uzun targeting scanner
trader's cargo hold
friendly ships destroyed
Molotok/A-class heavy gunship1
items installed
ceralloy armor
dual particle beam weapon
light blast plate
particle beam turret
advanced reactive armor
Ceratops 1T quasi-armor
Nova-50 reactor
plasteel armor
light plasteel armor
monopole deflector screen
NAMI missile launcher
Rasiermesser SmartCannon
Uzun targeting scanner
Burak missile launcher
class II deflector
dual laser cannon
laser collimator
trader's cargo hold
Nova-10 reactor
missions & activities
Commonwealth habitat missions1
Gladiator fights9 (1 failed)
Korolov shipping missions4
Money earned on missions21,625 credits
weapons fired
Burak500 missile27
dual particle beam weapon28
particle beam turret673
Burak400 missile102
KM110 Starburst missile13
KM500 Stiletto missile16
NAMI missile launcher73
Rasiermesser SmartCannon300
Burak missile launcher129
dual laser cannon1686
KM100 Longbow missile44