AdventureDomina & Oracus I: The Stars of the Pilgrim
Black Market rankCivilian
Corporate privateer rankSecurity Officer
Domina relationshipNovice
FateDestroyed by a Plague-class gunship while radioactive in the Talai System
GenderHuman male
Korolov rankJourneyman
Money (credits)46517
Money (euros)270
Ship classSapphire-class yacht
Time played2 hours and 46 minutes
Version1.9 Beta 1a
achievements & regrets
Became a gladiator in the Arena
Defended Fiona's freighter from Penitents
Destroyed Benedict's autons in 7 minutes and 10 seconds
Discovered the Ross 780 anomaly
Liberated Raisu station
Made contact with Stormhound
Enemy ships destroyed429
Enemy stations destroyed62
Friendly ships destroyed24
Profit on arms25345
Profit on goods and materials29992
Profit on illegal items2410
Profit on luxury goods744
Game resurrections1
Never bought life insurance
Never destroyed friendly stations
damage sustained
plasteel armor279
light plasteel armor419
monopole deflector screen5504
reactive armor149
class I deflector514
enemy ships destroyed
Atonement-class heavy gunship1
heavy IAV2
EI500-class freighter4
Repentant-class gunship4
Sotho-class heavy gunship2
Ronin/C-class gunship4
Plague-class gunship7
Wolfen/C-class gunship1
Urak sentinel28
Oromo-class heavy gunship1
T31-class armed transport9
Centauri heavy raider6
Viking-class gunship13
Ronin/B-class gunship3
Sapphire-class yacht4
Hornet-class chimera7
Corsair II-class gunship5
Borer II-class gunship3
Ronin/A-class gunship3
Zulu II-class gunship4
EI100-class freighter9
Sirin 3B-class gunship2
Himal interceptor11
Borer-class gunship5
Hornet-class battlepod26
Earthzone-class armed shuttle5
Hammerhead-class gunship1
Corsair-class gunship101
Zulu-class gunship33
Sirin 3A-class gunship10
TA3-class sentinel6
Centauri raider109
enemy stations destroyed
container habitat3
outlaw ceralloy mine2
Anarchist settlement1
Sapiens camp1
Abbasid outpost7
Anarchist gathering3
Arco Vaughn's container habitat1
Centauri warlord stronghold1
Charon Pirates outpost5
Himal refuge7
outlaw base2
Urak outpost7
Anarchist habitat7
Centauri warlord camp6
Charon Pirates cache4
Curators outpost1
outlaw camp4
Systems visited10
Never reached St. Katharine's Star
Never reached Jiang's Star
Never reached Point Juno
Never reached Heretic
Never reached the Galactic Core
Corporate Command
Near Stars Connector
The Stars of the Pilgrim Soundtrack
final equipment
slam cannon
turbolaser cannon [+70%]
NAMI missile launcher
monopole deflector screen
segment of plasteel armor
3 segments of light plasteel armor
Nova-50 reactor
patcher arm
smuggler's cargo hold
laser collimator
final items
11 helium?reactor assemblies
30 KM550 Broadsword missiles
33 XM300 Reaper missiles
4 barrels of radioactive waste
24 KM120 Brute missiles
66 KM110 Starburst missiles
70 KM500 Stiletto missiles
damaged Rasiermesser SmartCannon
damaged segment of light plasteel armor
181 KM100 Longbow missiles
2 black market identification chips
3 system map ROMs
6 cases of Martian nori
portable analyzer
26 helium?fuel rods
5 barrels of armor repair paste
6 Tempus syrettes
damaged recoilless cannon
data ROM
friendly ships destroyed
T31-class armed transport8
Zulu-class gunship16
items installed
Nova-50 reactor
patcher arm
plasteel armor
slam cannon
smuggler's cargo hold
light plasteel armor
monopole deflector screen
NAMI missile launcher
Nova-25 reactor
tritium propulsion upgrade
turbolaser cannon
laser collimator
Nova-15 reactor
reactive armor
class I deflector
DM600 disposable missile rack
recoilless cannon
missions & activities
Agricultural colony missions1
Commonwealth habitat missions1
Corporate privateer missions12
Gladiator fights6
Korolov shipping missions4
Mining colony missions4
Money earned on missions22,850 credits
Psionics offered to Domina4
weapons fired
slam cannon623
KM110 Starburst missile66
KM500 Stiletto missile79
NAMI missile launcher284
turbolaser cannon5469
KM100 Longbow missile139
DM600 disposable missile rack30
recoilless cannon57